In case和in case of,多個of大不同!

許多人搞不清楚 because 後面要不要加


也不知道 insteadinstead of 的用法有何不同,

更分不清 in casein case of in the case of 到底哪裡不一樣,


beacuse vs. because of


because 是連接詞,我們常用的結構為“because + 主詞 + 動詞”。

I played this game because my boyfriend recommended it. (我會玩這個遊戲是因為我的男朋友推薦我玩的。)

2.beacuse of

because of 是介詞短語,常用的結構為“because of + 名詞 / 代名詞”。

I fell in love with her because of her kind nature.
(我愛上她是因為她本性善良。)I transferred to Taipei because of her.(我為了她轉學到臺北。)

instead vs. instead of


instead 是副詞,有種“作為替代選擇”的感覺。

我們可以把 instead 放在句子的開始(通常加逗號隔開)或結尾處,不過在英文口語中,放在結尾比較常見。

Flying to Beijing is too expensive. Instead(作為替代), he is going to take the train.Flying to Beijing is too expensive so he is going to take the train instead(作為替代).


2.instead of

instead of 是介詞短語,意思同樣也是“替代”,不過用法卻不相同。

常用的結構為“instead of + 名詞 / 人名 / 代名詞 / (動詞 + ing)”,記住動詞後面一定要加 ing 喔!


I gave him advice instead of money.(我給了他忠告,而不是錢。)Instead of wasting time, she always studies hard. (她總是用功讀書,而非浪費光陰。)


in case vs. in case of case

in case 是連詞短語,用來描述“


常用結構為“in case + 子句”。

Take an umbrella with you in case it rains!(帶把雨傘以防下雨!)We have to look after the children in case they disappear.(我們得照看著孩子們,以免他們不見了。) case of

in case of 是介詞短語,用來描述“如果 / 當事情發生時我們該做些什麼”,意思和 in case 差不多,不過後面不是接句子,而是接名詞。

因為 of 是介詞,後面通常加名詞或代名詞,常用結構為“ in case of + 名詞 / 代名詞”。

In case of emergency, call the police.(如果發生緊急事件,打給警察。)You can go to the hospital in case of illness.(如果生病了,你可以去醫院。)



in the case of 意思是“至於;在…情況下”,在提及另一件事情時可以使用。

In the case of a smart student, getting an A is very easy.(對聰明學生而言,要拿到 A 很簡單。)