C.F. Møller Architects

由C.F. Møller Architects設計建造的瑞典最高木材建築迎來了它的第一批住客。該建築由實木材料建成,位於距離斯德哥爾摩市僅一小時車程的韋斯特羅斯(Västerås)。作為該地區地標性建築,此建築將成為未來可持續建築的標準。

C.F. Møller Architects is behind Sweden’s tallest timber building, which is now accepting its first tenants. The building is made of solid timber, and is situated in Västerås, an hour from Stockholm, as a landmark for the area and a benchmark for a sustainable future.

▼項目概覽,overview © Nikolaj Jakobsen

C.F. Møller Architects相信,木材的使用體現著建築的可持續性。近年來,這家位於斯堪的納維亞(Scandinavian)的建築公司一直致力於在建築中使用木材,因為木材的使用能顯著減少二氧化碳排放量。同時,木構建築也有利於室內氣候的營造,為居住者帶來更好的生活環境。建築第一批及即將入住的其他住客,都非常認可這幢瑞典迄今為止最高的實木建築。

Timber construction means sustainability, at least according to C.F. Møller Architects. In recent years the Scandinavian-based architectural company has focused on the use of timber in construction, as this can create huge CO2 savings. Buildings made of timber also have a positive effect on the indoor climate and the people living in the buildings. This is something to be welcomed by the first residents and the rest of us who are now starting to move into Sweden’s hitherto tallest solid-timber building.

▼住宅樓鳥瞰,bird-view of the apartment © Nikolaj Jakobsen

瑞典最高的木構建築 | Sweden’s tallest timber building

該住宅建築位於韋斯特羅斯的Kajstaden區,距離斯德哥爾摩市有一個小時車程,享有美蘭湖(Lake Mälaren)的美麗景色。Kajstaden住宅樓樓高8層,建築一樓擁有加高的層高,建築頂樓則為雙層複式。建築物的所有結構,包括牆體,橫樑,陽臺,電梯及樓梯間等均由正交層板膠合木(CLT)建成。該建築的建造由Martinsons, Bjerking 和 Consto AB合作完成,開發商為Slättö Förvaltning。

▼瑞典現有最高的木構建築, currently Sweden’s tallest solid-timber building © Nikolaj Jakobsen

▼住宅享有美蘭湖景色,the building is with beautiful views of Lake Mälaren © Nikolaj Jakobsen

The building is situated in the Kajstaden district of Västerås, an hour’s drive from Stockholm, with beautiful views of Lake Mälaren. Kajstaden Tower is 8.5 storeys high, with an elevated ground floor and a double height top floor. All parts of the building, i.e. walls, beams, balconies, lifts and stairwells, are made of cross-laminated timber. The building was developed in close collaboration with Martinsons, Bjerking and Consto AB, with Slättö Förvaltning as the client.

▼住宅立面,頂樓雙層複式,double height top floor © Nikolaj Jakobsen

▼住宅一樓層高加高,double height top floor © Nikolaj Jakobsen

C.F. Møller Architects 的合夥人Ola Jonsson 表示:“Kajstaden住宅將揭開建築歷史的新篇章,因為它是瑞典目前最高的實木建築。通過不斷的研究並結合其他木構項目的經驗,我們始終專注於創新,致力於探索木構高層建築的建造策略。木工技術為建築師提供了良好的基礎,幫助我們設計出美觀且精緻的好建築。”

“The building in Kajstaden constitutes a new chapter in the history of construction, as it is currently Sweden’s tallest solid-timber building. Through research projects and our other timber projects we have focused on innovation and contributed towards developing ways of realising high-rise buildings made of timber. Industrial timber technology also provides architects with better tools for designing beautiful houses that boast a high degree of detail,” says Ola Jonsson, associate partner at C.F. Møller Architects.

▼建築立面精緻的細節,façade that boast a high degree of detail © Nikolaj Jakobsen

▼木質陽臺,balcony made of timber © Nikolaj Jakobsen

木材的諸多優勢 | Timber has a number of advantages


The advantages include the fact that timber is a renewable raw material, and the fact that buildings made of solid timber have very low energy and carbon footprints. Use of CNC-milled solid timber and glulam constitutes a high-precision technology and provides an airtight – and thus energy-efficient – building without adding other materials to the walls. The low weight of timber also means fewer deliveries to the construction site and thus a safer, quieter and more efficient working environment during construction. In the building in Kajstaden there are four flats on each floor, and each floor has taken four craftsmen an average of three days to put together. Mechanical joints and screws have been used, which means that the building can later be taken apart and the materials can be reused.

▼建造中的住宅樓,building under construction © C.F. Moller Architects

C.F. Møller Architects 的可持續性工程師Rob Marsh 說到:“木材技術為建造的每個環節都賦予了生物循環方向的新價值,對於實現基於生物的循環經濟至關重要。在建築物的整個生命週期中,用實木代替混凝土可降低總計550噸的二氧化碳排放量。”

“Wood technology facilitates a value-adding lifecycle perspective in all stages of construction and is crucial to the goal of a bio-based circular economy. The total carbon-dioxide savings from use of solid wood instead of concrete are estimated at 550 tonnes of CO2 over the building’s life,” says Rob Marsh, sustainability manager at C.F. Møller Architects

▼可持續性策略,sustainable strategy © C.F. Moller Architects

木材是可持續性發展不可或缺的一部分 | Timber is part of a sustainable future

目前,C.F. Møller Architects參與了位於瑞典及英國總面積達100000平方米的木構建築項目。事務所希望將這些項目作為行業典範,分享他們使用木材的建造經驗,推動建築業向更持續化的方向發展。“我們很高興看到越來越多的建築開始使用木材建造。城鎮中越來越多的可持續性建築將為我們生存的星球帶來積極的影響。”Ola Jonsson表示,“C.F. Møller Architects希望對木構建築的發展做出貢獻。事務所已參與斯堪的那維亞乃至全球性可持續建築領域的各種項目及系統建設,旨在與世界分享事務所及合作伙伴的建造經驗。”

C.F. Møller Architects is currently engaged in construction projects across a total area of 100,000 m2 with a focus on the use of solid timber in Sweden and the UK, and hopes to be able to help push the construction industry in a more sustainable direction by realising these projects as good examples and sharing its knowledge of building with timber. “We’re delighted that more and more timber buildings are to be built. It’s the total critical mass of sustainable buildings in our towns and cities that will be crucial to the attainment of a positive impact on our planet. C.F. Møller hopes to be an important contributor to the development of timber construction and is involved in various development projects and networks in the field of sustainable construction in Scandinavia and internationally, its aim being to share its knowledge and what it has learnt from its colleagues,” says Ola Jonsson.

▼住宅區遠眺,overlook of the community © Nikolaj Jakobsen

提升木構建築影響力 | Increased focus on building with timber

C.F. Møller Architects設計的住宅屬於北歐木構高層建築系統的一部分,該系統旨在傳播如何將木材用於建築建造及木材可持續性特徵的有關知識。該計劃由丹麥技術學院副主任Peter Fynholm主持。“目前,我們比以往任何時候都更加關注木構建築。儘管北歐乃至世界範圍內都在廣泛使用木材建造公寓建築,但木材仍是很難被選做高層建築的建造材料。很可惜,在建築行業這樣會對氣候產生 巨大影響的行業中,可再生資源的利用潛力尚未得到很好的開發。” Peter Fynholm說到。


▼規整的木製結構,timber structure © Nikolaj Jakobsen

One of the networks of which C.F. Møller Architects is part is the Nordic Network for Tall Wood Buildings, which seeks to disseminate knowledge of how wood can be used for construction and its sustainability features. The network is headed by Dane, Peter Fynholm, who is also deputy director of the Danish Technological Institute. “We’re currently experiencing a greater focus on building with timber than ever before, but whilst blocks of flats are currently being built in timber in the Nordic countries and worldwide, when it comes to tall buildings, timber is far from being the natural choice within the construction industry. It’s annoying, as there’s untapped potential in the use of a renewable resource in an industry that affects the climate as much as the construction industry does,” says Peter Fynholm.

▼正交層板膠合木(CLT)結構,cross-laminated timber principle detail © C.F. Moller Architects

He continues: “It’s not, however, an easy task getting the industry to adopt and understand the new opportunities that timber presents. It’s therefore crucial that we learn from our experiences, e.g. what we’ve learnt from Kajstaden in Västerås. We can thereby continue to build on our experiences. One of our reasons for establishing the Nordic Network for Tall Wood Buildings is to facilitate this exchange of experiences,” says Peder Fynholm.

▼木構建築建造細節,construction detail. © C.F. Moller Architects

▼建築室內,木構建築也有利於室內氣候的營造,為居住者帶來更好的生活環境。Interior view, buildings made of timber also have a positive effect on the indoor climate and the people living in the buildings. © Nikolaj Jakobsen

▼夜色中的住宅樓,community at night © Nikolaj Jakobsen

▼住宅平面,master plan © C.F. Moller Architects

▼住宅軸側,axonometric drawing © C.F. Moller Architects

▼住宅立面,axonometric drawing © C.F. Moller Architects

▼建築平面,plan © C.F. Moller Architects

▼建築立面,elevation drawing © C.F. Moller Architects

▼建築剖面,section drawing © C.F. Moller Architects