03.06 看美劇學英語《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》S01E06 181-190


181.what's up?怎麼了?
✨完整形式:“what's up with that?”

這是更為常用的見面問候語,問候“ How are you?”時,也可以說“What's up?”

182. I want you to meet Charles Connelly. 我想給你介紹下查爾斯康奈利。

✨引薦:I want you to meet…我想給你介紹一下……


"自我介紹"怎麼說?I would like to give a brief self-introduction. 讓我簡短地自我介紹一下。Let me introduce myself. 我自我介紹一下。

183.Bell Labs is leading the

pack. 貝爾實驗室引領著整個行業。

✨【複習】pack: a group of similar people or things 群,團伙,幫

He’s the leader of the pack.


He was the leader of the pack.

184.I want no part of Sputnik panic. 我不想捲入製造人造衛星的而產生的恐慌之中。

✨have/play/take/want no part of/in sth: to not be involved or refuse to be involved in sth, especially because you disapprove it 不參與,不捲入,拒絕加入

I want no part of this sordid business.


185.This smacks of that. 這件事就有點那種感覺。

✨smack of sth: to seem to contain or involve a particular unpleasant quality 有……的味道;帶有……的意味

Her behavior smacks of hypocrisy.


186.We never rush R&D. 我們從不草率地搞研發。

✨rush: to do sth or to make sb do sth without thinking about it carefully 倉促行事;做事草率

Don't rush me. I need time to think about it.


✨R&D: research and development 研究和開發

187.Bill and Abe have known each other a long time. 比爾和和亞伯已經認識很久了。

✨know sb/sth: to be familiar with a person, place, thing, etc. 熟悉,認識,瞭解

I’ve known David for 20 years.


She’s very nice when you get to know her.


188.I’m loath to do that. 我不願意這麼做。

✨be loath to do sth: be not willing to do sth 不情願,不樂意; 勉強

He was loath to admit his mistake.



be not willing to do sthbe reluctant to do sthbe disinclined to do sth

189.We’ll work around your schedule. 我們會根據你的日程來安排。


Filming began on schedule. 拍攝如期舉行ahead of schedule 提前behind schedule 晚於,晚了

190.Bell lab is at your back and call. 貝爾實驗室隨時等候您的佳音。

✨at sb’s back and call: always ready to obey sb’s order 隨時待命

Don't expect to have me at your beck and call.
