03.03 高中英語熱點短語動詞歸納




1.break away


The man broke away from his guards.

(2)斷絕往來,脫離, 和-----決裂

He tried to break away from me.


I should break away from such habit.

2.break down


We are sorry to arrive late, but the car broke down.


All our plans broke down.


His health broke down.


The conversation broke down at this point.


After many years, rocks break down into dirt.

3.break in


He broke in and stole my money.


Don’t keep breaking in with your remarks.

4.break into


We had to break into the house as we had lost the key.


He broke into songs.

5.break off


They broke off their conversation.


She broke off with her best friend.


Let’s break off (work) and have some tea.

6.break out


A war broke out the following year.


The quarrel broke out.


He broke out laughing.

7.break through


The crowd broke through the lines of police.

8.break up


After midnight, the party broke up.

(2) (中小學學期)結束,停課放假(制教長的假期),散學

We break up on July 25th.

(3)分開,分散,拆散 The two friends broke up.



1.burn down 燒燬

A fire burned the house down.

2.burn out 燒壞,燒光,燒完(燃料)

The factory (was) completely burnt out.

3.burn up 燒掉,燒燬;燒旺起來

He burned up all the old letters.



1.bring about 引起,實現,造成

This failure has been brought about by your own carelessness.

2.bring back 帶回來,歸還

If you’re going the market please bring me back some eggs.

3.bring down 擊落,使降落,使倒下,使倒臺,打倒;使降低,使減少The pilot brought the plane down.

4.bring forward 提出

Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.

5.bring in 有收入, 賺得錢,收穫莊稼

The boys are bringing in $60 a week.

6.bring on 引起,使發生 Dirt often brings on disease.

7.bring out


Use the following words in sentences to bring out their meanings.

(2)出版,生產,提出 He brought out a new play.

8.bring up

(1)提出 Why bring that up again?


Joe was born in America but brought up in England.

(3)嘔吐 He was so ill that he brought up everything.



1.call at

(1) 拜訪, 訪問 call at someplace

(2) (船, 列車) 等停靠. The train called at every station.

2.call back

(1) 叫……回來 call sb. Back

(2 ) 回某人電話 call you back after supper/ call back later

3.call for

(1) 去接某人,去拿某物 call for you at 6 o’clock / call for the books

(2) 要求,需要 call for more men

(3) 大聲呼叫 call for help

4.call in

(1) 叫……進來 call Xiao Li in

(2) 召來,邀請 call in a doctor= send for a doctor

(3) 命令收回,請求交還

The library is calling in all books that are overdue.

5.call off

(1) 取消,停止 call off the trip

(2) 喊走,把……叫走

Please call off the dog; it’s barking at the children.

6.call on

(1) 拜訪某人call on sb.

I’ll now call on Tom for an answer .= I’ll call on Tom to answer.

(2) 要求,號召,呼籲 call on sb for sth/ to do sth.

7.call out

(1) 叫喊 call out for help

The drowning boy called out and everybody rushed to his rescue.

(2) 命令……行動,召喚……行動

The fire brigade was called out twice yesterday.

8.call up

(1) 打電話給……call me up tomorrow

(2) 使人想起,使回憶起

Your letter calls up the days we worked together.

(3) 徵召入伍 Tom was called up in August,2004.



1.carry about 隨身攜帶

2.carry away


Let’s carry away the rubbish.

(2) 搶走,沖走

The invaders carried away blots of cattle.

(3) 吸引住某人

The audience was carried away by her songs.

3.carry back

(1) 將……送回原地,拿回來 Please carry the books back.

(2) 使人回憶起……

The sight of the place carried her back to her childhood.

4.carry off

(1) 拿走,運走= carry away

(2) 贏得,奪去,叨走

She carried off the first prize in the contest.

5.carry on

(1) 繼續=continue carry on+ n./ doing sth.

Despite all the noise, he carried on reading.

(2) 經營= manage

What business did he carry on before liberation?

6.carry out 實施,執行

carry out one’s duty/ one’s promise/ the instructions/ experiments .etc

7.carry through

(1) 達成目的,貫徹執行 carry a plan through to the end

(2) 使人度過(困難/危機等)

Their courage carried them through (the crisis).



1.come abou t產生,發生,=happen, 有時用it作主語,後跟that從句

How did it come about that you failed to turn up in time yesterday?

2.come across 偶然遇見/發現

3.come along

(1) 趕快 Come along.

It’s nearly 12 o’clock.

(2) 進行,進展,健康轉好

How is your work coming along?

(3)隨同 Come along with me for a walk.

4.come around/ round 隨興來訪

Can I come around to your place tonight?

5.come at

(1) 到達

Put the medicine where children can’t come at it.

(2) 襲擊

The man came at me with a big stick.

6.come back

(1) 回來。

(2) 恢復,復活

(3) 憶起人或事

It suddenly came back to me where I had seen the man before.

7.come by

(1) 經過

(2) 得到

Good jobs are not so easy to come by these days.

8.come down

(1) 降下,下來,(飛機)著陸,下(雨雪等)


(3) (風俗習慣,傳說)傳下來 come down from

These customs have come down to us through many a generation

9.come off


(2) 舉行,進行

When does the concert come off?

10.come out


(2) 真相大白,出版,出售

The new facts came out through the investigation.

(3) 明瞭,清楚表達(意思)

The meaning of his story didn’t come out well.

(4) (相片)照得鮮明

She always comes out well in the photographs.

(5)結果是…… ( + well/ right/ wrong)

Great! You’ve come out in the top three.

11.come through

(1) 度過(疾病、危機)

He came through his operation.

(2) 消息到達,某人用電話聯絡過來

12.come to

(1)來到(2) 變成(某種狀態,階段),談到

When it comes to tennis, you can’t beat her.

(3) 甦醒= come to oneself

13.come up

(1) 上升,從鄉下上城市 come up to Beijing

(2) 地位提升或提高

(3) (話題等)被提出討論;(價格、溫度的)上升;從土中長出(發芽)

14.come upon

(1) 偶然遇見,發現

(2) (壞事)降臨

15.come up to

(1) 走到……跟前

He came up to me, smiling.

(2) 達到某個水準

His new book doesn’t come up to his previous ones.

16.come up with


(2) (口)想出(計劃等)

You’ve come up with a good idea.



1.cut across 取捷徑穿越……

We cut across the field to save time.

2.cut away 切下,砍掉

Why don’t you cut away the dead branches from that tree?

3.cut down

(1) 砍倒,砍伐

The apple tree was dead and he cut it down.

(2) 縮減

The car industry cut down production.

(3) 使人減價

I managed to cut the shopkeeper down to 200 yuan for the watch.

4.cut in 插嘴

Don’t cut in on our conversation.

5.cut off


(2) 在通話中切斷人的對話

We were cut off just when we were connected and said hello.

(3) 使人或城鎮孤立

The village was cut off by the heavy snow.

6.cut out

(1) 切下,剪下

cut out an article from a newspaper

(2) 裁剪衣服,闢出道路

(3) 刪除 cut out the first two chapters.

(4) 停止……

He cut out alcohol on the doctor’s advice.

7.cut up

(1)切碎= cut sth. into pieces

(2)(口) 使(某人)全身是傷;(精神性的)折磨(某人)

He was really cut up when all his friends refused to help him.



1.die away (聲音、光線、風等)漸弱、漸息

The wind has died away again.

2.die down(聲音)靜下來;(火、興奮、光線等)漸息

The noise died down.

3.die from 因…而致死

He died from a wound.

4.die of 因(患)…而死

His sister had died of cancer.

5.die off (家族、種等)相繼死亡;(草木)先後枯死

6.die out 絕種;(習慣、做法等)消失,過時



1.drink down (一下子)喝下去

His mother got him to drink the medicine down.

2.drink in

(1)凝神傾聽 drink in every word of one’s lecture

(2) 陶醉於 drink in the beautiful view


The thirty plants drank in the welcome rain.

3.drink to 為……乾杯 drink to sb. / the future

4.drink up 喝乾淨、喝完

Children, drink up your milk.



1.drive at

(1)(用於進行時) 想說

What on earth are you driving at ?

(2) 朝著……努力

The factory must drive at the increased production this year.

2.drive away 趕走……;驅散……

drive away the news reporters/ the feeling of sadness

3.drive home把……徹底講清

This will help drive home the meaning of the new words.

4.drive into


Can’t you drive some manners into the boy?


It will drive him into a nervous breakdown.

5.drive off

(1)驅車離開;駕車送走 drive sb. off in a car

(2)把……趕走 drive off the enemy / the disease


Who is to drive off first?



1.drop back


The soldiers dropped back before the enemy’s attack.


Production has dropped back.


Father dropped me back at the dormitory last night.

2.drop behind


He dropped behind the other runners.


His payments of rent often drop behind.

3.drop by 順便到(某處)

We dropped by the club to see if Bill was there, but he wasn’t.

4.drop in 順便來訪 = drop over

Let’s drop in at Tom’s.

5.drop off


Business dropped off during the summer.


The fruit dropped off the tree.

(3) 睡著;(不知不覺的)入睡

She dropped off in front of the fire.


I dropped him off at the post office.

6.drop out


If you don’t like the ides, drop out.

(2)掉出;落出 (of)

A key dropped out (of the envelope)



1.feed back 反饋

The information is fed back to the school.

2.feed off 依靠……作為(食物或能量等)的來源

The camel can feed off its hump.

3.be off one’s feed 胃口不好;沒有精神

4.feed on (動物)以……為主食

Cows feed on hay.

5.feed up 養胖起來

That thin little boy needs feeding up.

6.be fed up with 厭煩……



1.fix up

(1)修理好;修補 fix up the motor


Can you fix me up with a room for three nights

(3)整理;收拾 fix up a room

(4)解決;商妥 fix up a dispute


I have fixed up with Tom to meet them at seven o’clock tomorrow evening.

2.fix on


We’ve fix on the date for our wedding.


He fixed the blame on his friends.

(3)把……集中在…… fix one’s eyes / attention on sth.



1.get about


It’s getting about that he’s to be married soon.


Old people can’t get about very well in the winter weather.

2.get across 講清楚,讓……聽懂得

He taught me how to get my ideas across.

3.get along

(1)進展(行);相處(=get on)

The business is getting along very well


He managed to get along without much money

4.get away 離開;拿走

The prisoner had little difficulty in getting away from the police.

5.get back 返回;放回去

He has just got back from his long journey.

6.get down


The child got the medicine down.

(2)跪下來  get down (on your knees)

7.get down to(n./ doing) 開始認真(幹某事)

8.get in 進來(去);收穫(莊稼);插嘴

The peasants are busy getting in the crops.

9.get off


Don’t get off until the bus has stopped.


The airliner got off this morning on its regular flight


She got her hat and coat off.

10.get on


She got on her bicycle and cycled off.


John isn’t getting on very well in French and history.


Time is getting on. = It’s late.

11.get out


The woman fell into the well and couldn’t get out.


No one could discover how the secret got out.


The woman was so shocked that she couldn’t get a word out.

12.get over


We must get over our disappointments.


Prof. Wright is not very good at getting his ideas over to his student.

13.get rid of 除掉,處理掉;去掉不良習慣

14.get through


I will be with you as soon as I get through this work.


The teacher got all his students through without difficulty.


The operator finally got me through to his number.


His Sundays were difficult to get through.



1.give away


He gave away all his books to the village children.


Mary gives herself away by blushing every time Peter’s name is mentioned.

2.give back


I must call at the library to give back this book.


I hope the holiday will give him back his good spirits.

3.give in 讓步,妥協

You can’t win the game, so you may as well give in.

4.give out

(1)分發,頒發(=hand out)

The teacher gave out the examination papers.


It was given out that the Prime Minister had died suddenly.

(3)被用完,耗盡 (機器等)失靈,(人)體力不支

The chair gave out under the fat man.

(4)發出 (味道,信號)

The Jessamine gives out a sweet perfume.

5.give off 散發出(味道)

6.give up


She gave up her job to look after her sick mother.


She gave up her seat to the old man.



1.go about


Teenage boys tend to go about in groups.

(2)傳開(=get around / spread)

2.go by


Time went by quickly on vacation.


It’s a good rule to go by.

3.go down


The ship struck a hidden reef and went down with all hands.


Prices of all farm products are expected to go down soon.

4.go for


Listen carefully, because this goes for you all.


Do you go for modern music?


How much do you think these Chinese vases will go for?

5.go into


She had had not time to go deeply into the matter just then.


Let’s go into details later, shall we?


He has gone into teaching.


He went into a rage (anger).

6.go off


The firecracker went off with a bang.


The performance went off well/badly.


These classes have gone off since we had a new teacher.


The pain went off after three treatments.

7.go on


The concert went on for hours.


He went on reading his paper.


As the years go on, we grow both wiser and sadder.


The heating went on.


They decided to go on a visit to the seaside.

8.go out


Have all the wedding invitations gone out yet?


The candle has gone out.


Long skirts are gradually going out.


The workers went out for better pay.

9.go over

(1)研究,審查 ;複習

Let’s just go over everything and find out where the trouble was.


The police went over his room three times, but found nothing.

10.go round

Don’t sound your horn while you’re going round the hospital.


Let’s go round and see Mary. She’s ready for a chat.

11.go through


I can’t go through the letters in an hour.


Mother went through the magazine quickly.


Let’s go through the exercises.


I didn’t want to go through college.


She went through one hardship after another.


The plan didn’t go through.

12.go to (獎)由某人獲得

The first prize for Biology went to the youngest child in the class.

13.go up


The shares have gone up three points since yesterday.


National income would go up next year by 6.6 percent.


New office blocks are going up everywhere.

14.go with


Brown shoes don’t go with a black suit.


Happiness doesn’t necessarily go with money.



1.keep back

(1)後退 Keep back.

It’s dangerous .

(2) 抑制

She could not keep back her anger/ tears.

(3) 扣除

The boss kept back five percent of my wages.

2.keep off 使離開;不接近

Keep your hands off ! Keep off the grass .

3.keep on

(1)繼續下去; prices keep on increasing.


The boss kept him on as a secretary.

4.keep out (of ) 不進去;不使入內

Keep out of the railroad track .

5.keep up (價格;工資)保持高水準;(士氣)不低落;(天氣)保持不變/ 持續

Will the weather keep up ?

7.keep up with 不落在……後面

keep up with the changes in fashion



1.knock down


His son was knocked down by a car .


The price was knocked down to $99.

2.knock into 偶然遇到(某人)

3.knock off (口語) 停止(工作);下班

Let’s knock off and have a cup of tea .

4.knock over 將……撞翻

Be careful not to knock over the oil bottle on the ground .



1.look about / around 四下環顧;朝四周看

2.look back (on / upon / to ) 回顧;回想

look back on the good old days

3.look down on / upon 俯視;輕視;瞧不起

Gone are the days when the Chinese people were looked down upon .

4.look forward to 盼望

We’re looking forward to the winter vacation/ seeing you .

5.look into 注視……內部;調查;檢查

The Public Security Bureau is looking into the murder .

6.look out 小心;注意

Look out ! Here comes the bus .

7.look over


A strange man was looking over the wall.


The secretary looked over the letters quickly.

8.look through


I looked through several magazines in the beauty shop.


I have to look through my notebooks for the exam.

9.look upon …as … 把……看成是;認為……

He looked upon the old man as his father.

10.look like 看起來像;好像要

It looks like rain.



1.make up


This is made up of three different parts .


This is merely an excuse you made up .


They quarreled but soon made up .


He studied harder to make up for lost time .

2.make out

(1)勉強分辨出 / 認出(人;字等)

She has grown up but I can still make out her writing.


Can you make out what he is saying?

(3)(事物)順利進行/ 進展;成功

I wonder how he’s making out in his new job .



1.pay back


He paid me back the 100 dollars he owes me.


I’ll pay them back for this treatment.

2.pay for 付……錢

How much did you pay for the book?

3.pay off

(1)還清 pay off one’s debt.


He paid off the laborers.


His great achievements paid off at last.



1.pass away


Forty years had passed away since they had met.


He passed away at eighty.


His illness will soon pass away.

2.pass by


Somebody passing by asked me the way to the cinema.


He said we passed by him this morning.

3.pass down 傳下來

The skill has been pass down over four generations.

4.pass on 傳給(另外的人)

Pass it on to Mr Smith.

5.pass through

(1)穿過,通過 pass through this street

(2)經歷;上完(學)pass through a difficult period

6.pass out


She passed out when she heard the bad news.


They passed out free samples(樣品)to customers.

7.pass over


We may pass over the details.


I’ll pass it over for this once.



1.put aside


She put her needlework aside and we had a talk.


John puts ten dollars aside every week.

2.put away


Put your books away.


I’ll have to put something away for my retirement.

3.put back 放還原處

Put the dictionary back on the shelf.

4.put down


Put down that knife before you hurt somebody.


Please put down the following facts.

5.put forward 提出 put forward a suggestion

6.put off


They put off the picnic because of the rain.


We forgot to put off the radio before we went out.

7.put on


I order you to put on a jacket.


Put on a fine performance.


I’ll put the light on.

(4)增加 put on weight 長胖

8.put out 撲滅

He put the fire out.

9.put through


Can you put me through to Mr Brow’s office?


You’ve put him through a lot of pain.

10.put up


Put up your hand if you think you know the answer.


We must put up a tent here.


Put up a notice.


We put up for the night at a farmhouse.


He’s going to put up another proposal at the meeting.

11.put up with 忍受,容忍

I suppose I must put up with my loss.



1.send for 派人去請/取…

send for a doctor / a taxi

2.send off 寄出;給…送行

I sent the letter off last week.

3.send out 發出(光亮等)

The sun sends out light and heat.

4.send to bed (因病或不聽話)讓上床

You’d better send him to bed and call the doctor.

5.send up發射… 使(物價、溫度等)上升;遞交



1.take after 長得像,性格等像

The boy takes after his father.

2.take…as… 看作,認為

Can we take it as agreed that we accept the plan?

3.take ..for (to be)….(錯)當作,以為是

4.take on


take on the work/ the responsibilities

(2)僱傭 take on 20 workers


take on passengers


take on a new look; take on a different meaning


The fashion for long skirts didn’t take on for some time.

5.take over 接替;接管 take over the job

6.take up

(1)拿起;拾起 take up arms / a wallet

(2)搭載(乘客)take up passengers

(3)選修 / 開始學習(某課程) take up physics

(4)從事某種活動,發展某種愛好 take up writing / swimming

(5)開始(做某項工作) take up the task

(6)佔用(時間/空間) take up too much room

(7)繼續(中斷的話);接下去 take up the story


The sleeves require taking up an inch.



1.turn away 攆走, 拒不接受

Hundreds of people were turned away from the concert.

2.turn down


turn down the suggestion


turn down the radio


turn down the collar / The collar turns down.

3.turn in


turn in a good history paper


She turned the escaped prisoner in to the police.


I usually turn in at about 11 o’clock.

4.turn on / off 開/關(燈)

5.turn out

(1)關掉 turn out the light


The exam turned out to be easy.


The college turns out a hundred teachers a year.

6.turn over


He turned over the business to his son.

(2)翻身 turn over in bed


He turned over the problem for hours


I wasn’t really reading, just turning over the pages.

7.turn to

(1)找…幫忙 turn to me (for help)

(2)查閱 turn to the reference books

8.turn up

(1)到場,出現 (被)發現

The lost papers have turned up.


Something will turn up to get you out of the difficulty.

(3)把音量開大 turn up the radio



1.wear down 使……慢慢磨損/消蝕

He worn down the point of the pencil.

2.wear out 使耗盡、穿壞

The long walk worn the children out

3.wear on vi. (時間)消逝、過去 = pass / go on