09.23 高頻率出現的二十句口語


1. Look out! 小心!

2. I'm just saying. 我只是說一下。

3. Let's split the difference. 讓我們折中一下。

4. He's just using you. 他只是在利用你。

5. I decide to just let it be. 我決定順其自然。

6. I'm a bit reluctant to get involved. 我不太想捲入其中。

7. Did you hear what she said to me? 你有沒有聽見她對我講的話?

8. Things turned out just as I expected. 事情結果正像我預料的一樣。

9. You were right about Pete. 你對皮特的看法沒錯。

10. It'll soon pass. 很快就會過去。

11. Better late than never. 晚來總比不來強。

12. Was a decision made? 作出決定了嗎?

13. For what it's worth. 不管有用與否。

14. Just for a laugh. 只是想開個玩笑。

15. Am I free to leave now? 現在我可以離開了嗎?

16. Not as far as I'm aware. 據我所知沒有。

17. You're having me on! 你在騙我吧!

18. He didn't expect to see me. 他沒有料到會碰見我。

19. I think this matter is worth our attention. 我覺得這件事值得我們注意。

20. Things are seldom as/how/what they seem.事情很少表裡一致。