04.12 英語晨讀行動|JOB HUNTING 找工作

--- lesson5 JOB HUNTING 找工作

--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

I’ve got a job interview today.^我今天要參加一個工作面試。

Are you hiring right now?^你們現在招人嗎?

Are you taking applications?^你們現在招聘嗎?

I’ve applied to six companies so far.^目前為止,我已經向六家公司遞交了應聘申請。

He’s looking for a job with better pay.^他在找一份薪水更高的工作。

Do you have any experience in this field?^在這個領域你有工作經驗嗎?

Where did you last work?^你最後的工作在哪?

What was your last job?^你最後一份工作是什麼?

Do you work well with other people?^你能和別人和諧共事嗎?

I really need this job.^我真的很需要這份工作。

I graduated at the top of my class from Harvard Law School. I concentrated in business law.^我從哈佛法學院畢業,是班上的第一名。我專攻商法。

Your business has a very good reputation for rewarding its employees that work hard and well.^貴公司對工作努力、業績卓越的僱員總是給予嘉獎,因此得到了很好的聲譽。

I am very responsible and will work long hours to make sure that my work is done on time and correctly.^我有責任心,為了按時、正確地完成工作願意加班。

I believe that you are just the kind of person we would like to hire.^我相信你就是我們想要僱用的這種人。

Direct eye contact reassures the person that you are confident and honest.^直接的目光接觸讓人相信你的自信和誠實。