12.15 「走遍歐洲」2017聖誕怎麼過?玩轉Top10最美聖誕市集(下)!






英國倫敦 極致聖誕節

Christmas in London is truly a one-of-a-kind experience and every fan of the winter holidays,should visit the city in December at least once in their life. And for those who don't like the most wonderful time of the year, London is bound to change their minds in no time.With such a variety of markets, the season may even seem too short to take it all in.

The truly must-see markets are definitely Winter Wonderland's market in Hyde Park,Southbank Centre's Winter Market and London Bridge City's riverside market; the London Eye, Big Ben's over there, and of course the River Thames just in front of us, and it's quite cold!

Most markets are open from November 18, 2017 to January 2, 2018. ”



(Winter Wonderland),滑冰、馬戲團、雜技表演等各種演出,今年已是第十一屆,南岸中心的冬季市場;倫敦塔橋河邊的河邊市場;還有倫敦眼、大本鐘、泰晤士河南側的博羅市場(Borough Market)。


Brussels, Belgium 比利時布魯塞聖誕薑餅木屋

The Christmas market in Brussels is known to be a bit different from its counterparts around Europe.

The truly must-see markets are definitely Winter Wonderland's market in Hyde Park,Southbank Centre's Winter Market and London Bridge City's riverside market; the London Eye, Big Ben's over there, and of course the River Thames just in front of us, and it's quite cold!

Most markets are open from November 18, 2017 to January 2, 2018.



Strasbourg, France


Top 3 5個世紀的聖誕之都

Strasbourg is known to be the Capital of Christmas, since its market is the oldest Christkindelsmrik in France.(first held back in 1570) and one of the largest ones in Europe.

Today, it spreads out over 12 locations in the city center and has more than 300 stalls, filled with French delicacies, crafts and ornaments.

The market is open from November 25 to December 31, 2017

斯特拉斯堡(Christkindelsmärik ,法語為Marchéde l'EnfantJésus)被譽為“聖誕之都”,因為當地的市場是全法國曆史最悠久的,可以追溯到1570年,也是全歐洲規模最大的市場之一。

如今,當地有超12個聖誕市場,攤鋪數量超300家,包括法國美食、手工藝品和裝飾品。例如:vin chaud(熱葡萄酒)和bredele餅乾(當地的特色),有榛子、橙、肉桂或果仁等多種口味。


Prague, Czech Republic 捷克布拉格

Top 2 最浪漫的聖誕集市廣場

Christmas in the Czech Republic is definitely an experience like no other and the Christmas markets in Prague are the heart of the adventure.There are several smaller markets around the city and two larger ones in the city center,

a 5-minute walk from each other, at the Old Town Square and at the Wenceslas Square.The markets are open from November 26, 2016 to January 1, 2017


徒步五分鐘就可以到達另外一個市場,一個在老城廣場,一個在瓦茨拉夫廣場。主要特色聖誕商品為: 珠寶、蠟燭、水晶、玻璃工藝品和木雕等等;在食物攤可以享受傳統的捷克特色美食,如烤豬肉和鮮血腸,以及一系列當地的聖誕節食物。品一口清爽的medovina蜂蜜酒,感受捷克的浪漫與甜蜜。


Vienna, Austria 奧地利維也納

Top 1 冬季夢幻仙境

The Vienna Christmas market is one of the most well-known markets in the world,since every year, the already magical streets of Vienna are transformed into a true winter wonderland.

One of the most famous markets there is the traditional "Vienna Magic of Advent", located in front of the City Hall Square.If there is only one Christmas market you can visit in Europe, this should definitely be the one.

The market is open from November 16 to December 23, 2017.

維也納的聖誕市場全球矚目,帶有奇幻色彩的維也納大街每年都會變身冬季仙境。最著名的要數悠久的Vienna Magic降臨節聖誕市場,位於市政廳廣場的前方。如果您只能前往奧地利一個聖誕市場,那麼維也納將是您的首選。




好了,歐洲Top 10 最美聖誕集市盤點全部介紹完了!今年聖誕究竟怎麼過?我們瞭解到:在西方,家家戶戶都會提前開始為聖誕節做準備,歐洲的城市也會在這個時間組織盛大的聖誕集市,而每一個城市都有自己的傳統,每個聖誕市場都反映了該地區的文化。

