03.21 漂亮!!“玻璃房”立面的多層辦公……

通過其建築和與場地互動的方式,Office 64總部是該城鎮的一座宏偉地標。它既獨立又醒目,重新詮釋了公共建築的形象。建築與道路相切,並形成明顯的稜柱狀體量,強調道路的輪廓。

Text description provided by the architects. Through its architecture and the way it interacts with the site, the headquarters of Office 64 is an imposing monument as you enter the town. It is both discrete and significant, re-interpreting the codes of public architecture. The building flows in tangent with the road and develops distinctly prism-like volumes which emphasize the road’s outline.


The cars driving past are thus mirrored by the sequenced lines of the architecture. A first green strip, seeming to grow straight up from the ground, is home to the workshops and to the entrance of the building, which, set further back, emerges as a facade conceived as both captor and filter. This facade-glasshouse absorbs and directs light, thus limiting temperature exchanges between the interior and exterior of the building.



A double flux ventilation system supports this diffusion/evacuation of heat according to season whereas the concrete structure, externally insulated, offers excellent thermal inertia. With grids that are adjusted according to the building’s orientation, each elevation builds a sense of depth, mass, and color, echoing the tree-lined site. This work on rhythm and transparency is confirmed in the office spaces sheltered under a wooden structure, warming the atmosphere and stimulating the perception of volumes treated with sobriety.




建築師:Patrick Arotcharen

