10.21 《阿拉丁》真人版電影神還原童年精髓,9句震撼人心語錄


♡ 1: If you don't have anything, you have to act like you own everything.


♡ 2:You look like a prince on the outside. But I didn't change anything on the inside.


♡ 3:You should see these places. I mean there’s a whole world outside of books and maps.


♡ 4:Only one may enter here. One who worth lies far within. The diamond in the rough.


♡ 5:Be specific with your words. The deal is in the detail.


♡ 6:This boat has seen us through many a storm. It may not look like much, but it has something theirs never will.


♡ 7:There’s a lot of gray area in “make me a prince”. I could just make you a prince.

「 “把我變成王子” 這一句藏有灰色地帶。我可以直接給你做一個王子」

♡ 8:Sometimes, Princess, sometimes you just have to take a risk.


♡ 9:It’s not what is outside,but what is inside that counts.


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