03.02 Which social class do you belong to? 你屬於哪個階層?

Which social class do you belong to?


In an English lesson I observed this week, the year 8 class had a discussion around social class and which class did they see themselves belonging to. This disucssion was preparing the class to read Blood Brothers, a play with a tragic tale around two families- one poor, one rich.

在本週我觀摩到的一節英語課中,八年級的班級討論了“社會階層” 這一話題。老師提問說:你認為自己屬於哪個階層?這個討論話題是為同學閱讀《血兄弟》做準備的熱身討論。該劇是一部關於兩個家庭悲慘故事的戲劇,一家是窮人,一家是富人。

The image was shown to the class and the discussion is roughly transcripted below:


老師:“看看這些圖像,誰認為自己來自工人階級家庭?請舉手。” 大家都舉起了手。

Teacher: "Who thinks they’re from the upper class?"
One boy raised his hands and some others giggle.

老師:“誰認為自己來自上流社會?” 一個男孩舉起了手,其他同學都在咯咯地笑。

Teacher to boy: "Why do you think you’re from an upper class background?"
Boy: "Because my parents bought me designer clothes."



Teacher: "Ah! So expensive clothes tell you someone’s class, does it? What does your mum do?"


Boy: "She works in a school."


Teacher: "As what? A teacher, janitor, dinner lady? There are different levels of jobs in a school. Just because she works in a school doesn’t make her upper class. I’m a teacher, I work in a school but I’m no upper class. What does your dad do?"


Boy: "He works in a bank."


Teacher: "Unless he owns the bank, he’s not upper class. The staff that you see when you go into a bank are not upper class."


Teacher to the class: "There are different levels of jobs. Just because you have a big salary doesn’t mean you’re upper class. You’re not likely to ever meet an upper class person in your life time. Why do you think you’re from the working class?"

老師對全班說:“工作有高低級別。僅僅因為你的薪水高並不意味著你是上流社會。你一生中有可能永遠也沒有機會遇一個來自上流社會的人。” 她又接著問:“你為什麼以為自己來自勞動階級?”



Although these children were only in year 8 (12-13 years old), there responses were raw and confronts you with the realities they live in. They have a recognition of life that many other children wouldn't have the maturity to relate to nor understand.


Teaching is a very skilled job. To motivate children to learn English, every strategy and perspective needs to be explored. We need to make learning relevant to children's experiences and below is one such example.


Teacher to a boy who wants to be a sportsman:
"I know you want to go into sports but just in case, you need to do well in your GCSE English so when you sign that contract with an Italian manager, you can understand that contact and not get robbed!"





