02.29 雅思口語Part3:看過的演出 (1-4月新題)


Describe a performance you’ve watched recently(7小題)

1.What is the difference between watching performance live and watching it on TV?

原創答案:The main difference between watching a football match live and on TV is the atmosphere, comfort and cost. In the stadium you are part of the atmosphere and you can feel it, you also get a better feel of what the fans feel about the performance compared to watching on TV as you hear people talk and make comments on game play. Having said all that it is more comfortable to watch on TV compared to live in stadium as you can sit on your comfortable couch, it is also cheaper to watch on TV as you do not have to pay for tickets, drinks, food, transportation, etc.(雅思口語P3情報站)

2.Do you think people generally prefer to go to a concert or to listen to recordings of music?

原創答案:The experience of listening to music live rather than recorded is preferred because the music becomes elevated in a way that can’t be reproduced at home. First off, the amplified sound that echos in a way that strikes your core gives you goosebumps. The vibrations of the music gives you a sense of euphoria. The ambiance of the crowd adds to the energy and you naturally get caught up in the excitement. Most importantly, But a musical performance is an event that happens only once. It is unique ,And being at the place where it happens and experiencing it as it happens is as different from listening to it on a recording as experiencing a sculpture in a museum is from looking at pictures of the same in a book.(雅思口語P3情報站)

3.Is learning drama or dancing helpful for children? Why?

原創答案:Definitely, Firstly, drama and dance engages the brain, Children learn new things, like sounds, words and patterns through drama. And with dance, they can explore and control their body movements. These activities are great for development and stimulate connections in the growing brain. Secondly,. It helps cultivate communication skills bringing kids together with songs, rhymes and actions and lets them discover how to interact and connect with others. They develop listening and social skills that will give them self-confidence and better prepare them for school. Thirdly, drama and dance allows kids to express themselves. Engaging in creative activities lets kids release their emotions and express their feelings. It’s a fantastic opportunity for children who aren’t yet able put their thoughts into words. (雅思口語P3情報站)

4.Which do you prefer? Traditional performance or concert?

5.Should government provide financial support to promote traditional performance?

6.Do you think the government has a responsibility to support cultural activities in society?

7.How do you think watching a dance performance or a stage play influences children?
