

We invite light to be a guest to balance black and white ,indulging in this purity.

▼室內空間概覽,overall view of the interior space ©INGALLERY 從林

​“因為真理是燦爛的,只要有一個縫隙,就能照亮整個田野。”—— 赫爾岑

“Because truth is brilliant, as long as there is a gap, it can illuminate the whole field.” —— herzen

▼軸測分析圖,Axonometric analysis chart ©Keyee Interior Design


We create subtle differences between gray scale and texture. We have changes in balance and casual leisure. However, all changes have not deviated from the most fundamental mission of this space.

▼從入口看向室內,view to the interior from the entrance ©INGALLERY 從林

▼洽談區空間以黑白為主色調,negotiation area in black and white tone ©INGALLERY 從林

▼材料質感和顏色在平衡中體現差異,space balanced with changes in materials and colors ©INGALLERY 從林

▼洽談區細部,details of the negotiation area ©INGALLERY 從林


We look out of the window at the boundless sea. The sea is full of white spots and green reflections.

▼黑色盒子後的茶水間,pantry behind the black box ©INGALLERY 從林

▼茶水間也採用黑白配色,搭配綠色植物,pantry in black and white tone with green plants ©INGALLERY 從林

▼格柵分隔空間,space defined by grills ©INGALLERY 從林

▼植物映襯在簡潔的空間中,plants enrich the simple space ©INGALLERY 從林


We discard the surplus and create a quiet space to meet the basic needs.

▼簡潔的空間細部,details with simplicity ©INGALLERY 從林