
Today’s Painting


Léon Spilliaert is one of those relatively unknown painters who leave you breathless when you see your first piece. Luckily, you can see many of his works at a great exhibition in the Royal Academy in London, opening 23 February 2020.

有一類畫家,他們相對沒有那麼出名,但是當您第一次看見他們的作品時,您就喘不過氣來。萊昂·斯皮里亞特(Léon Spilliaert)便屬於這一類作家。幸運的是,在2020年2月23日倫敦皇家藝術學院,您可以在一場大型展覽中看到他的許多作品。

Spilliaert’s work is characterized by dramatic perspectives and a quiet luminescence. He is best known for asequenceof enigmaticself-portraits and for his atmosphericnight-time scenes of Ostend.


His visual explorations of the self and potentimages of solitude align him with European modernists such as Edvard Munch and Vilhelm Hammershøi. Most of Spilliaert's works are marked by an oppressive alien and elegiacatmosphere. Solitude, mystery, and hallucination—these are what you feel while looking at his works.


Vertigohas a special artistic value. Spilliaert paints a lonely and distraught person who is at the mercy of a strong wind in an unstable environment. He adds the feeling of dizzying power by using hard color contrasts, the spiral construction of the stairs, and the inducing power of the black abyss.
