


A gang of criminals rob a Gotham City mob bank, murdering each other for a higher share of the money until only the Joker remains, who escapes with the money. Batman, District Attorney Harvey Dent and Lieutenant James Gordon form an alliance to rid Gotham City of organized crime. Bruce Wayne believes that with Dent as Gotham’s protector, he can retire from being Batman and lead a normal life with Rachel Dawes – even though she and Dent are dating.

故事從小丑(Joker)帶領手下搶劫哥譚市黑道銀行開始,受小丑玩弄,他們為了分到更多的贓款自相殘殺,最後只剩小丑帶錢逃跑。蝙蝠俠Bruce Wayne、地方檢察官Harvey Dent和中尉James Gordon聯手打擊哥譚市犯罪。Bruce Wayne相信哥譚市有Dent保護,他就可以退休和Rachel Dawes過上普通人的生活了,不過當時Rachel Dawes已經和Dent交往了。

Mob bosses Sal Maroni, Gambol, and the Chechen hold a video conference with their corrupt accountant, Lau, who has taken their funds for safekeeping and fled to Hong Kong. The Joker interrupts the meeting to warn them that since Batman is unhindered by the law, he would find Lau, who would give up the mob's money for a plea bargain. Joker offers to kill Batman in exchange for half of their money. The mob bosses disagree, and Gambol places a bounty on the Joker. The Joker finds and kills Gambol, taking over his gang. The mob decides to take the Joker up on his offer.


Batman finds Lau in Hong Kong and brings him back to Gotham to testify, allowing Dent to apprehend the entire mob. The Joker threatens to kill people unless Batman reveals his identity, and starts by murdering Police Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb and the judge presiding over the mob trial. The Joker also tries to kill Mayor Anthony Garcia, but Gordon sacrifices himself to stop the assassination. Dent kidnaps one of Joker’s henchmen and threatens him with a seemingly deadly game of heads or tails until Batman intervenes, warning Dent that all the criminals he has convicted would be released if anyone found out. Dent learns that Rachel is Joker’s next target.

蝙蝠俠將劉帶回哥譚伏法,Dent藉機將暴徒一網打盡。小丑殺死了警察局長Gillian B. Loeb和審判黑幫的法官,並威脅蝙蝠俠若還不公佈身份,以後會有人陸續死去。在一次市長演講中,小丑圖謀殺死市長,被Gordon拼死救下。Dent劫持了小丑的一名手下,以拋硬幣的方式逼迫其交出小丑下落。蝙蝠俠及時趕到,攔下了Dent,因為Dent一旦這麼做,所有被他判罪的罪犯都得被釋放。以此同時,Rachel成了小丑的下一個目標。

Bruce decides to reveal his secret identity to prevent more deaths. Before he can, however, Dent falsely announces that he is Batman to lure the Joker out. Dent is taken into protective custody, but the Joker appears and attacks the convoy. Batman comes to Dent’s rescue and Gordon, who faked his death, apprehends the Joker, securing a promotion to Commissioner. Rachel and Dent are escorted away by detectives on Maroni’s payroll; Gordon later learns that they never arrived home. Batman interrogates the Joker, who reveals that they have been trapped in separate locations rigged with explosives and that Batman must choose one to save. Batman races to save Rachel, while Gordon attempts to rescue Dent. Batman arrives at the building, but realizes that the Joker has sent him to Dent’s location instead. Both buildings explode, killing Rachel and disfiguring Dent. The Joker escapes with Lau, who leads him to the Mob's funds. The Joker burns his share of the money and kills Lau.


Coleman Reese, an accountant at Wayne Enterprises, deduces that Bruce is Batman and threatens to publicize the information. Not wanting Reese’s revelation to interfere with his plans, the Joker threatens to destroy a hospital unless Reese is killed within an hour. All hospitals are evacuated and Gordon travels to secure Reese. The Joker, disguised as a hospital nurse, discovers Dent’s ward and hands him a gun, convincing him to seek revenge for Rachel’s death. The Joker destroys the hospital and escapes with a busload of hostages. Dent goes on a killing spree, deciding the fates of people he holds responsible for Rachel’s death by flipping his lucky coin, one face of which was corroded in the explosion. Dent eventually apprehends Gordon’s family, believing Gordon’s love for his family parallels his love for Rachel.

韋恩企業(蝙蝠俠的家族企業)的會計Coleman Reese得知蝙蝠俠的真實身份後,揚言要公佈出來。不想讓Reese打亂自己計劃的小丑威脅當局若不在一個小時之內殺死Reese,就要炸燬醫院。Gordon指揮所有醫院的人員撤離。小丑打扮成護士潛入Dent病房,交給他一支槍,煽動Dent為Rachel報仇。小丑出來後,炸燬了那家醫院,帶著一車人質逃離。Dent展開瘋狂殺戮,他找到與Rachel的死相關的人,以拋硬幣的方式決定他們的生死。最後找到Gordon的家人,在Dent看來,Gordon的計劃有漏洞也是導致Richel去世的原因之一。他要讓Gordon也體會到失去摯愛之痛。

After announcing that Gotham City will be subject to his rule by nightfall, the Joker rigs two evacuating ferries with explosives; one carrying civilians and the other prisoners. The passengers have been supplied with a trigger to the other boat’s explosives, and the Joker announces through an intercom that he will blow both ferries if one of them has not been destroyed by midnight. Batman finds the Joker by using a sonar device that spies on the entire city, with the reluctant help of Lucius Fox. The civilians and the prisoners refuse to kill each other, while Batman apprehends the Joker after a fight. Before the police arrive to take the Joker into custody, he gloats that Gotham’s citizens will lose hope once Dent’s rampage becomes public knowledge.

另一邊,小丑揚言整個高譚市都將籠罩在黑暗之中。他在兩艘(一艘載著平民,一艘載著罪犯)渡輪上裝上炸彈,並將引爆器交到對方手裡,由他們在午夜前決定是否引爆對方的船隻,否則小丑就會親自動手將兩隻船全部炸掉。平民和罪犯都遲遲下不了手。另一邊,在韋恩集團Lucius Fox幫助下,蝙蝠俠發現小丑通過一個聲吶裝置監視整個哥譚。他藉此找到小丑,經過一番激戰,將小丑控制。小丑洋洋得意地稱,一旦將代表正義的Dent的行徑公之於眾,整個哥譚市就會失去希望,徹底陷入黑暗之中。

Gordon and Batman arrive at the building where Rachel died and find Dent threatening to kill Gordon’s family. Dent again flips his coin and shoots Batman, spares himself, and aims to kill Gordon's son, claiming that Gordon’s negligence is responsible for Rachel’s death. Batman, who was wearing body armor, tackles Dent off the building to his death. Batman persuades Gordon to let him take responsibility for the killing spree to preserve Dent’s heroic image. As the police launch a manhunt for Batman, Gordon destroys the Bat-signal, Fox watches as the sonar device self-destructs, and Alfred burns a letter from Rachel saying she plans to marry Dent.


Review by Bleacher:

I love this movie so very much. It feels weird for me to use that word, “love”, but it is the first thing to pop into my mind. The Dark Knight being the epicenter of it all. It is a film that understands the allure of darkness, sees how it can efficiently spread, and then presents us with the facts regarding the realities of honor, strength, and influence and the realities that passions can construct inside of us, the most twisted of all being those see the faults in others’ realities and can link the faults to the endurance of their own self-principles, channeling energy and free thought into the measured manipulation of society. How the citizens of Gotham view Batman and explain their emotions through what he stands for is enough to spark a conversation of its own, especially if one applies how Bruce created this image and how it defines both what he sees in himself and what he sees in others. When The Dark Knight first came out it seemed to excite conversation; what I have observed in the past nine years is that it continues to do so, and the achievements it pulls off in areas across the board doesn’t hurt its chances at being viewed as a milestone in the history of entertainment and art either.

我太愛這部電影了,使用“愛”這個詞對我來說可能會很奇怪,但確實是第一個躍入我腦海裡的詞彙。圍繞《黑暗騎士》的系列電影,讓觀眾看到了黑暗深處的魅力,看到了人性的黑暗是如何發酵的,並向觀眾呈現了榮譽的力量。電影中最扭曲的部分在於讓角色看到現實的不公,並用這些不公去挑戰此前他們所堅守的原則,從而達到小丑的理想 —— 全社會無政府狀態。哥譚市民如何看待蝙蝠俠,如何看待蝙蝠俠這一人物象徵,本身就足以成為影片一大探討內容。在Bruce建立了蝙蝠俠這一形象,並從他的角度定義了自身以及他人以後,這一點尤為凸顯。《黑暗騎士》上映後,似乎引起了人們的討論。據我所知,在過去的九年裡,DC一直在這樣做,在各個領域都取得不俗成就。但無論從娛樂角度來看,還是從藝術角度來看,這部影片都堪稱是里程碑式的經典。