世事無常,我再瞭解不過了。I am well aware things change



2.Oh, thank God, I'm starving!

謝天謝地, 我餓死了。starve: 捱餓

3. Well, dig in. I am way too tired to eat.

自己吃吧, 我都累得都不想吃了。

dig in: 美國俚語

dig in 常用於飯桌前,意思是“來,吃吧”,“隨便吃”.與help yourself 差不多,後接賓語則用dig into

She dug into her bowl of pasta.她津津有味地吃著碗裡的麵條。

too…to: 太…以至於不

4. I'm sorry. Come here.So, did you get to go by the hospital? Visit Mama?

嗨. 對不起. 過來這兒。你有沒有順路去醫院看望過媽媽嗎?

go by: 順便拜訪 visit: 看望,探望

5.I worked ten hours today. I'll go by tomorrow. She doesn't even know when I'm there.

我今天工作了10小時。明天去. 我去了她也不知道。

6. She’s gonna wake up soon, I know it.And you know what would make her really happy.

她很快就會醒了, 我知道。你知道什麼會讓她真正開心?

gonna(=going to): 將要 wake up: 醒來

7.If you say, a grandchild, so help me God!

哦, 天啊, 如果你想說孫子女,饒了我吧。 Carlos 。

grandchild: 孫子/女

8.Gabrielle, please!

9. No, you promised, no babies!

不, 你答應的,不要孩子。

10. Things change!


11.: Yeah, I know. The Feds towed away my Maserati.

我知道. 聯邦調查局拖走我的瑪莎拉蒂

Fed:〈美俚〉聯邦調查局人員 tow: 拖,曳 tow away: 拖走

My husband is, is a felon,and I spend my days getting groped by fat tracker salesmen at trade shows.


I am well aware things change!


11.A baby is solid, a constant.


solid: 堅固的 constant: 不變

12. And who is going to be changing the diapers when you're pumping iron in a Federal prison, huh?

那麼在你蹲聯邦大牢的時候誰來換尿片啊? 哼?

diaper: 尿布

pump iron 舉重健身,做重量訓練(劇裡是指坐牢做苦役)

prison: 監獄

I like my lifestyle, and I don't want you to kill it.

我喜歡我的生活方式, 不能讓你毀了它。

13.Well, look around, Gabrielle, it’s already dead.

看看周圍這一切, Gabrielle。那種生活已經毀了。

And there’s nothing you can control.


14. Maybe. But having a baby, that, I can control. You, I can control.

也許吧, 但生孩子這事?我可以掌控。你,我可以掌控。

15. Hey, you can't talk to me like that. I'm still the man of this house.


16. Oh, really?The man of the house?


17.Don't walk away from me! Hey, hey! My food?Gabrielle, come back here right now!

別走開,嗨, 嗨, 我的食物。Gabrielle! 給我回來!

18. I wouldn't go too much farther, you're going to end up back in prison.

我不用走太遠. 就可以送你回監獄。

end up: (以…)結束

19.Damn it! Gabrielle! Get inside now!

該死的, Gabrielle, 快點進來!

20.: Mmm.


21.Hey, I waited all day for that!


22. Mmm, it’s perfect! Oh, mm, crispy and burnt on the outside but nice and steamy on the inside.

太棒了。外皮鬆脆焦黃, 裡面的肉鮮嫩多汁。

crispy: 脆的 burnt: 燒焦的 steamy: 潮溼的

Uh, uh, uh! Mmmm. Mmmm. you're the man of the house? You can't even leave it!

你是一家之主? 你走都走不出來。