英國畫家Mark Smith:無人生還


Mark Smith

Folio Society - Interior art for Josephine Tey's 'To Love and Be Wise'

TD Magazine - Using both sides of your brain and embracing 'whole brain thinking'

Harvard Business Review - Getting the best out of your workforce

Mendoza Business Magazine - Happiness in the workplace

Mondo - Limited edition

Mark Smith 住在英國小城埃克塞特。他是一位多產的編輯插畫家,為《紐約客》、ESPN和許多其他出版物創作作品,還有海報、書籍,甚至滑板。他用“鉛筆和印刷油墨掃描線條和紋理,然後在 Photoshop 中拼貼”來製作他的插圖。其結果是設計出一系列精巧、優雅、色彩鮮明的作品,其外觀讓人聯想起 Smith 所說的靈感來源——老式的平面海報。

Independent Banker - Obstacles and growth for 2019

The Washingtonian - Lobbyists are having to use digital tactics to pique Trumps interest

Time magazine - 'Levelling The Playing Field' Income inequality

Harvard Business Review - Putting retirement on hold

Remodeling Magazine - The best home improvements to increase the value of your home

Barron's - Financial advisors are now working in teams

BBTLI Mag - Environmentally sound business growth

Mother Jones - Beto O'Rourke's problem with his father-in-law, the billionaire Republican Bill Sanders

Stanford Lawyer - Cover art, 'Lawyers that swap law for politics'

Stanford Lawyer - How Lawyers fare in the political environment

Harvard Business Review - Retraining in your later years

Notre Dame Magazine - Manual labour helps a man rid himself of his depression

ESPN Magazine - Sport is the 'Small, Good Thing' in a world of turmoil

ESPN Magazine - Muhammad Ali tribute cover

埃克塞特是倫敦的創意人退休之後會去的地方——Mark Smith 卻從來沒有抽出時間去做倫敦的事情,最後只是呆在了那裡。

Mark Smith 已經做了六年的插畫師了,在嘗試了很多“正常”的工作卻失敗後,他開始嘗試做一些從小就想做的事情,很幸運地被普利茅斯大學插畫課程錄取後開始了他的自由插畫師的生涯。