
What happens to the mind when you’re confined to a life of solitude? Robert Eggers offers his interpretation in his latest film, The Lighthouse, a psychological horror shot in haunting black and white.

當你被限制在孤獨的生活中時,你的思想會發生什麼?羅伯特·埃格斯(Robert Eggers)在他的最新電影“燈塔”(The Lighthouse)中提供了他的解讀,這是一部以黑白揮之不去的心理恐怖鏡頭。

Set in the late 19th century, it follows elderly lighthouse keeper Thomas Wake (played by Willem Dafoe) and his assistant Ephraim Winslow (Robert Pattinson) as they spend a month tending to a lighthouse on an isolated island.


Things get weird almost as soon as the two men arrive ashore.


New recruit Winslow finds a mermaid figurine, inciting visions of a beautiful humanoid creature washed up on the shore, equal parts erotic and disturbing.


He sees Wake naked in the lantern tower of the lighthouse and has distressing dreams.


Psychologist Sarita Robinson at the University of Central Lancashire, UK, says that hallucinations are common when people are in isolation, usually occurring if there is also sensory deprivation, such as being in a dark room.

英國中央蘭開夏大學的心理學家Sarita Robinson說,當人們處於隔離狀態時,幻覺是很常見的,通常發生在感官剝奪的情況下,比如在黑暗的房間裡。

In an experiment conducted at McGill University in the 1950s, volunteers who spent days alone in tiny rooms began to hallucinate after a matter of hours, becoming so distressed that the research was terminated early.

在20世紀50年代在麥吉爾大學(McGill University)進行的一項實驗中,志願者們在小房間裡獨自呆了幾天,幾個小時後就開始產生幻覺,變得非常痛苦,以至於研究提前結束。

“Humans are social creatures – we crave the company of others,” says Robinson.


“We know that social isolation is really damaging for both mental and physical health.”


As the film unfurls, it is clear that having only the brash and authoritative Wake for company is taking its toll on Winslow.


“It’s bad luck to kill a seabird!” Wake bellows at him over dinner as he slaps him across the head.


Winslow is shocked and more than a little peeved.


Soon after, as Winslow’s time on the island nears its end, the wind changes direction.
