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According to the World Tourism Organization, a United Nations agency, the number of international tourist arrivals around the world reached 1.4 billion last year. That represented a 6 percent increase, and the organization forecast the number to grow by 3 or 4 percent this year.


But in the first half of this year, the number of international visitors coming to America has actually dropped nearly 1.7 percent. That’s according to preliminary data from the Commerce Department’s National Travel and Tourism Office, which shows that slightly more than 37 million foreign travelers came to the country between January and June.


According to a forecast from the U.S. Travel Association, an industry trade group, the outlook for 2019 is for visitor numbers to remain just about the same as last year. Even if that holds true and the country doesn’t see a dip for the full year, the news is not good.


▲More people are traveling the world than ever. But the number coming to America is dropping. (via The Washington Post)

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“Ongoing global economic cooling, prolonged and expanding trade tensions, and uncertainty surrounding the Trump administration remain major risks to international traveler sentiment,” the report says.


The value of the dollar also remains strong, making travel more expensive for visitors from other countries, says David Huether, the group’s senior vice president of research.

美國旅遊協會研究部高級副總裁David Huether說,美元的價值仍然堅挺,這使得其他國家遊客的旅遊費用更加昂貴。

Trade wars with China could cost the country 1.9 million inbound visitors and $11 billion in spending between 2018 and 2020, according to research from the consultancy Tourism Economics, part of Oxford Economics. Through July, travel from China is down 3.7 percent compared with last year, according to Commerce Department figures. That’s on top of a drop last year, the report says.


▲More people are traveling the world than ever. But the number coming to America is dropping. (via The Washington Post)

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“Someone should care about this as much as they care about U.S. auto manufacturing or agriculture,” says Adam Sacks, president of Tourism Economics.


“Given the size of the traveling class in China and how much that’s grown, and the strong desirability that the U.S. holds in Chinese travel intentions, we’d expect to see growth in the range of 10 percent. ”


▲More people are traveling the world than ever. But the number coming to America is dropping. (via The Washington Post)


“Tourism is one of the few areas where the U.S. has a positive trade balance,” said Adam Sacks, president of Tourism Economics. “This bright spot is being tarnished when we lose Chinese visitors.”


“Chinese travelers haven’t changed their propensity for travel, they are just choosing different destinations,” said Linda Zhang, the chief executive and founder of Purview Investments, which manages investment strategies with low-carbon footprints. “It’s just that the fascination with coming to America isn’t there anymore, it’s not a priority. They’d rather go to Paris, to Rome, to Moscow.”

“中國遊客並沒有改變他們的旅遊傾向,他們只是選擇了不同的目的地,”投資策略公司Purview Investments的首席執行官兼創始人Linda Zhang說道。“只是美國的吸引力已經不復存在了,不再是優先考慮的目的地。他們寧願去巴黎、羅馬、莫斯科。”

In fact, travel from China to the European Union tripled from 2006 to 2016.


▲‘Trump Slump’ in Travel to U. S.? Not Quite (via The New York Times)

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Travel is a key part of the economy, supporting 15.7 million American jobs and generating $2.5 trillion in economic output.


“America isn’t winning when it’s falling behind global heavyweights like China, Germany, France, the U.K., Spain and others,” said Tori Emerson Barnes, executive vice president for public affairs and policy at the U.S. Travel Association, a trade group.


▲‘Trump Slump’ in Travel to U. S.? Not Quite (via The New York Times)


資料:The Washington Post, The New York Times

圖/題圖:Washington Post illustration; iStock, AP, 網絡