



(圖via Yang Hui/GT)

A total of 155 countries and regions as well as 26 international organizations are attending the second China International Import Expo (CIIE), which is held in Shanghai from Nov. 5 to 10.


The exhibition area covers around 360,000 square meters. Sixty-four countries will host country exhibitions and 3,893 companies are attending the business exhibitions, Chinese Vice Premier Hu Chunhua said at the opening ceremony Tuesday.



▲155 countries and regions, 26 international organizations attend 2nd CIIE (via Xinhua)

▲開幕前,工作人員對展品進行組裝調試 (圖via Yang Hui/GT)



各大西方媒體對此非常關注。英國路透社 (Reuters) 在報道開篇,就提及了演講中“堅持多邊貿易”“反對貿易保護主義”等主張:

Global trade barriers must be removed, and countries should uphold basic multilateral trade principles while standing firm against protectionism and unilateralism, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a speech on Tuesday.


Speaking at the opening of the Nov. 5-10 China International Import Expo, or CIIE, an annual import show in Shanghai, Xi said more efforts were needed to boost international cooperation and remove barriers to innovation.


▲Chinese President Xi says need to bring down trade barriers (via Reuters)


Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday that global frictions should be resolved through discussions, and encouraged cooperation rather than separation.


“Distances between countries are getting shorter, and interactions among countries are growing, hence the possibility of differences and frictions,” Xi said.


“The right solution lies in consultation and cooperation. All problems would be settled in the spirit of equality, mutual understanding and accommodation,” he said.


▲China’s Xi calls for ‘consultation and cooperation’ to resolve international disputes (via CNBC)

▲開幕前,場館裡已很忙碌 (圖via Yang Hui/GT)


《希臘城市時報》(Greek City Times) 報道了希臘總理的出訪,傳遞他此次來上海的願望:吸引中國投資,盼望希臘企業在中國市場走得更遠。

On his part, the Greek Prime Minister said it was a great honour to visit China as a Prime Minister and referred to his earlier visits to the country in 1995, noting the impressive economic progress since that time that had raised China to the world second-largest economy and brought 800 million people out of poverty.


The Greek Prime Minister claimed it is a feasible goal for Greece to aim to attract 500,000 tourists from China in 2020-2021, while the Greek government’s top priority was to attract investments.


“There is much we can do to support the activity of Greeks in China,” he added, listing areas where Greece can be at the forefront on the Chinese market.


▲Greek PM in China for international expo where Greece is among honoured countries (via Greek City Times)

▲進博會開幕前夕,工作人員在為希臘國家館布展 (圖via 俞凱/澎湃新聞)


法國總統馬克龍出席了今天的開幕式。歐洲主流媒體歐洲新聞電視臺 (Euronews) 在報道中指出,馬克龍等歐洲領導人出訪上海“意義重大”。而參與進博會最主要目的和收穫很直接——就是商業和貿易:

...he will attend an Import Expo in Shanghai alongside incoming EU trade commissioner Phil Hogan and the Prime Ministers of Serbia and Greece. Their presence is significant because Athens has already signed an agreement over the "Belt and Road Initiative."


For Macron, this trip is all about trade, according to Euronews international correspondent Anelise Borges.



“The Élysée Palace in Paris has been insisting that the commercial dimension of this visit is really their priority and that’s why the French President is travelling with 50 business leaders from France, including the heads of like Loreal, Airbus and also the pharmaceutical giant Sanofi," she said.


▲Macron in China: French president to discuss trade, climate with Xi Jinping (via euronews)

▲進博會場館內的展區 (圖via Yang Hui/GT)


印度是這次進博會的主賓國之一。印媒 The Hindu 表示,印度希望借進博會的東風在中國市場推廣IT、藥品及農產品等,擴大對中國的貿易:

India plans to make use of the expo to pitch for IT, pharmaceuticals- and agricultural export products. An Indian business delegation headed by Commerce Secretary, Anup Wadhawan, would take part in the import expo which is aimed at enabling countries from the world over to showcase products to enhance their export to China.

印度計劃借進博會推廣IT、藥品和農業出口產品。由商務部長Anup Wadhawan率領的印度商業代表團將參加本屆進博會。進博會旨在讓世界各國能夠展示其產品,以提高對中國的出口。

Expectation from India and other countries to push their exports to China is high as the Chinese official media has reported recently that China Exim bank has set up USD 42.5 billion credit line to aid imports.


▲India to be ‘Guest of Honour’ country at China’s import expo (via The Hindu)

(截圖via 新華網客戶端)

《斐濟時報》(The Fiji Times) 也表示,斐濟將受益於進博會,它能幫助斐濟開拓國際客戶和市場:

THE China International Import Expo (CIIE) is a platform that could assist Fiji to tap into international customers and markets.


▲China import expo to benefit Fiji (via The Fiji Times)

柬埔寨《高棉時報》(Khmer Times) 更是在標題中盛讚:進博會將為開放型的世界經濟注入新的動力。

As China’s key move to actively open its market, the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) is set to inject fresh momentum into an open world economy.




“In addition to the opportunities brought by the import expo itself, China’s constantly enhanced business environment has also impressed us,” said Anna E, public affairs director of Mars China.


On July 30, China put into force revised negative lists for foreign investment market access, introducing greater opening-up in such sectors as services, manufacturing and mining, and allowing foreign investors to run majority-share-controlling or wholly-owned businesses in more sectors.


▲Chinese import expo sets to inject fresh momentum into open world economy (via Khmer Times)

(圖via Yang Hui/GT)



(圖via Yang Hui/GT)




American companies remain keen on tapping business opportunities in China, despite the trade tensions between the two countries.


More U.S. companies than last year plan to participate in this November's China International Import Expo, Ren Hongbin, assistant minister of commerce and deputy director of the expo's organizing committee office, said Friday at a press event.


▲US companies are increasingly interested in China's big import event despite trade war (via CNBC)


"We have heard very positive feedback from U.S. companies who participated in (the import expo) last year," Jake Parker, vice president of China operations at the U.S.-China Business Council, said in an email to CNBC.


"Significant numbers of purchases made at last (year's) event were fulfilled and fully executed," Parker said. "These commercial opportunities led to an uptick in interest from USCBC members to participate in 2019."


▲US companies are increasingly interested in China's big import event despite trade war (via CNBC)

▲微軟等美國知名企業今年再度參展進博會 (圖via Yang Hui/GT)



中國以進博會為契機,更積極地幫助外國企業分享中國市場不斷擴大的紅利,世界肯定是歡迎的。("The world welcomes China to actively help foreign enterprises share the dividends of the ever-expanding Chinese market through the CIIE. " - Global Times)


(圖via Yanghui/GT)


圖:Yang Hui、外媒、網絡等