

難吃(It's not delicious!)







1、Norman Owen

hahahaha, Did not. We have lived in Hong Kong, China for many years. Many of my friends also come to China for tourism or business trip. They all like most of the Chinese food. I don't remember any of them saying that Chinese food is bad. They just say that Chinese food is very different, so if you say that Chinese food is difficult to eat, maybe it's a personal preference, but if it's monotonous, I will be the first to attack you!


2、Collin Spears

Uhm I’m not sure that is true. It depends on where you live in America. In any major urban area in the coastal areas, you can get most Chinese food items. I know my wife routinely buys them and tells my mother-in-law not to bring things from HK.


However in more inland areas, rural, without a Chinese population, yeah it is very hard.


I would also say that making high end Chinese food is not really the goal. Unlike Korean and Japanese food, most Americans (due to history) don’t see Chinese food as “high end”, they see it as “fast food” so the margins are quite small for the restaurant. Why put in a lot of expensive imported ingredients? It raises cost? Also the average American doesn’t know what is missed, and doesn’t care.


3、Mike Digkas

Dear Ron, I live in China for 8 years now and I have met countless foreigners. Most of them come into the fast conclusion that Chinese food is terrible and Chinese food is just dumplings and noodles. This behavior amazes me because I deem Chinese food as the best in the world. I am always telling them that if you come for the first time in China and you don’t have Chinese friends with you to order for you is very challenging and they should not make fast conclusions as I guarantee that nothing is superior than Chinese food.


4、I love hot pot.

LOL,As an Englishman living in Chengdu, China, I heard such a joke among Chinese people three years ago: it was about a foreign gourmet who said it would take three months to try all the Chinese food, but now a few years later, he disappeared. Some people said that he has not yet stepped out of the first stop of the attempt -- a small county almost ignored on the map of China!


Although it may be a joke intended to show the prosperity of Chinese food, I don't think there is much gap between it and the reality. I can guarantee that any kind of food used for business in the streets of Chengdu can cause screams in my hometown, England!


5、Caltex Engineer

I don't think the friend who asked questions has ever eaten real Chinese food. Of course, if you mean General Tso’s Chicken or Li Hongzhang chop suey , when I didn't say it!


6、Kevin Doucet

No, don't have to ridicule her too much. Maybe you should consider the personal habits of the questioner. As a Canadian living in Beijing, what I want to say is that the experience that Chinese food brought to me at first is not so good!


Yes, when I saw Beijing roast duck for the first time, even though there was a "slice duck master", the duck head presented directly made me feel uneasy!


Chinese people seem to prefer "complete presentation". Whether it's meat with bones or a whole fish, they seem to think such food is more "perfect"! At first, I was confused about this culture, but after years of adaptation, I can tell you clearly that the meat with the bones removed and the fish with the thorns removed are no longer attractive to me!



7、Collin Spears,

I do not think it is “most foreigners”.Most Chinese food in the West, historically, has been some bastardized Cantonese food, that was often made by immigrant.


That kind of "Chinese food" considering cost and taking a lot of alternative consideration can not even be recognized by the Chinese people. Of course, the only relationship between that kind of food and the real "Chinese food" may only be the name!


So many Westerns think they grew up eating Chinese food, but when they come to China they find out that Chinese food can be all of this!


Chinese food is far more diverse than most Westerns imagine, and some of the food is very unusual in regard to taste and ingredients, from a Western perspective.


Obviously, some people don’t like things they are not used to or do not expect.



Aha, if you think "Chinese food" is so evil, you can change your taste. For example, you can go to Japanese food. I'm very confused about what kind of answer you want to get when you ask such a question.


Oh! Look, man, Chinese food is terrible. It's like shit!


God, you are right. We will never eat Chinese food again!


Then, a nation that can make such disgusting food, isn't it also to be disliked by us by the way? Are you sure this is not the beginning of racial discrimination?


Well, even if you don't have this kind of "bad idea", let me tell you that if you say "American Chinese food", then Chinese food is the most fashionable in both San Francisco and New York. If you say the authentic recipe in China, let me tell you that I'm eating at a Cantonese restaurant in Guangdong and replying to you!


Don't ask me the name of the dish. You won't understand, because if you know it, you won't ask such naive questions!



Aha, I feel a kind of anger from your answer, so why are you so angry? I'm sure you must be a Chinese or related to the interests of Chinese food!



Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I am neither Chinese nor because of any interest factor. I can guarantee this with my personality.


Can you imagine someone commenting on your favorite girlfriend from a nonexistent, dirty point of view? Yes, in China for so many years, one of my happiest things is the constantly changing delicious Chinese food every day, which comforts my lonely heart!


We shouldn't be so "arrogant". In the eight years of living in China, I am sorry for my prejudice. Yes, that prejudice still exists in my domestic friends. They refuse to recognize the world and blindly think that everything in America is good!


But I don't think so. At least in terms of food culture, I think China has won over my country too much,Here, you can find all the flavors you like!


We should face the facts bravely, instead of reveling in a lie that doesn't exist, and even ridicule some people who expose the facts!


I don't want my country to be stupid because of some stupid people or stupid opinions, so I'm sorry, I'm angry。





