turn in, turn on, turn off


turn on

this means to start a device by switching it on表示通過開關來啟動設備,與turn off 對應,on是開,off是關。

for example:can you turn off the lights when you leave。離開時請關燈。

注意,to turn on a person 意味著在情感上激發某個人。turn off

this means to stop a device by switching it off 表示通過開關來停掉某個設備。

for example :turn off the TV and listen to me。關掉電視,聽我說。

It can also mean to really not excite somebody 也可有不激發某人的意思。turn out

this means to result or to end up 意思是“結果”或者“結束”

for example :oh I thought my homework was gonna turn out better than this.我感覺我的作業要做完了。

turn around

this means to rotate to physically rotate something意思是旋轉,物理上的旋轉。

for example :turn around you've left the abel in your jacket。轉身,你把夾克衫的標籤落下了。

turn back

用 turn around 也適用於 turn back。

this means to return to a previous state of being 意思是返回之前的某個狀態。

for example :

once you move out there's no turning back 。你出去了就不要再回來了!

once you move out you can't turn back。一旦你搬出去了,就不要再回來了!

turn against

this means to oppose 意思是反對,可能是經常的突然的反對。

for example :we were great friends and then she turned against me and started gossiping about me。我們是好朋友,但是她不僅反對我,還八卦我。

turn in

this means to submit something or to give something。意思是提交某些東西或者給某些東西。

for example: I want you all to turn in your homework on Monday morning。我希望你們所有人週一早上上交作業。

turn down

this means to refuse decline or reject something意思是拒絕,拒絕某物

for example: I asked him out but he turned me down he rejected me,我喊他出去,但是他拒絕了,他拒絕了我。

turn into

this means to transform into something意思是轉變,轉化

for example: she clicked her fingers and he turned into a frog finally,她彈指間把他變成了青蛙。

turn up

this means to appear suddenly or to attend an event意思是突然出現或者參加活動。

for example :

oh look who just turned up 噢!看誰來了!

oh look who just appeared 噢!看誰出現了!

oh look who is attending the event 噢!誰出現了!

I hope you learned something and I hope you enjoyed it!