

Davis had 25 points on 21 shots, but it's how he got there that raises a familiar red flag.We can quickly see that Davis was very effective in the paint, racking up seven of his eight buckets there. Davis is a monster inside. He ranked third in the NBA in total points in the paint in 2017-18, while his new teammate LeBron James ranked No. 1.


raises /ˈreɪzɪz/ v. 提升; 舉起; 提起; (使) 直立,站立; 增加,提高(數量、水平等);

buckets /ˈbʌkɪt/ n. 桶,水桶;剷鬥;(籃球的進球)

But in a world where he is playing alongside James, it's key that Davis can get out of the way sometimes and hit some jumpers. Here's the thing, though: Davis is mostly mediocre outside of the paint.Against the Clips, he hit just one of his seven extended 2-point tries and missed both of his 3s. That small sample size is relevant because it harkens back to a bigger, more troubling trend.


mediocre /ˌmiːdiˈoʊkər/ adj.平庸的; 普通的; 平常的;

relevant /ˈreləvənt/ adj.緊密相關的; 切題的; 有價值的; 有意義的;

harkens /hɑːrkən / v. 傾聽;聆聽(等於 hearken)


Of the 130 players to take at least 1,000 jumpers outside the lane dating back to 2016-17, Davis ranks 126th in effective field goal percentage (eFG%) at 42%, per Second Spectrum tracking.

追溯到2016-17年度,根據“Second Spectrum”數據統計,在130名至少有1,000跳投的球員中,戴維斯的有效投籃命中率(eFG%)為42%,排名第126位。

Spectrum /ˈspektrəm/ n. 光譜;頻譜;範圍;餘象

Last year, Davis was very active and very inefficient in the midrange, converting just 36% of his shots. Yuck! He also was below average from downtown, where he converted 33% of his tries. The bottom line is that jump-shooting is a big part of Davis' portfolio, and his numbers are more Russell Westbrook than they are Kevin Durant.


midrange /'mid,reindʒ/ n. 中列數;適中範圍;中點

Yuck /jʌk/ int. 啐(表示反感等,等於 yuk)

portfolio /pɔːrtˈfoʊlioʊ/ n. 公文包;文件夾;證券投資組合;部長職務


Dating back to 2017-18 season, Davis is one of 95 NBA players to attempt at least 150 uncontested shots outside of the paint. Of that group, he ranks 89th in efficiency, with an eFG% of just 46.3%. That's just a hair above Ricky Rubio.


efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃənsɪ/ n. 效率;效能;功效

You know who also isn't a great jump shooter? Reigning MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo. He rates even worse than Davis. But the Milwaukee Bucks are designed to take care of that with effective 3-point shooters in a well-crafted system.

你知道誰也不是優秀的跳投手嗎?現任MVP 揚尼斯·阿德託昆博。他的排名甚至比戴維斯還差。但是密爾沃基雄鹿隊經過精心的系統戰術設計,通過有效的三分射手解決了這一問題。

Reigning /'reiniŋ/ adj. 統治的;在位的;本屆的;起支配作用的

If you can't shoot, you can't space. And if Davis can't effectively space the floor, the Lakers' offense will have issues. Davis often shares the court with Dwight Howard or JaVale McGee. Opposing bigs will sag every game, clogging James' driving corridors, providing interior help, grabbing boards and generally muddying things up. Danny Green's reliable stroke can only help so much on its own.


clogging /'klɔgiŋ/ v. 阻塞;(使)阻塞,堵塞;塞滿(溼厚物);阻礙;

muddying /ˈmʌdiŋ/ v. (使)變得泥濘;(使)變得難以理解;攪亂(局勢、問題等)


If Davis is ineffective as a shooter, that means many of the Lakers' most important lineups will feature two bigs who don't space well enough to declutter the deep paint. Dudes like Nikola Jokic, Rudy Gobert, Clint Capela and Hassan Whiteside will have a much easier time against this squad that way.


declutter v.整理 清理

squad /skwɑːd/ n. 班;小隊;五人組(籃球隊的非正式說法)

There's no question Anthony Davis can be a terrific-shooting big. But it's fair to question whether he is right now -- and it's win-now time for the Lakers.
