



北京兄弟27-48 北京鬼子




Devils Outgun Brothers; Stay Undefeated

The Beijing Devils and Brothers squared off in round 4 of Beijing Cup action this weekend. The first half proved to be an entertaining affair as both sides brought their sprint spikes to the fast turf pitch at Western Academy (WAB).

The Islanders hit first through a wonderful individual effort by Kelvin George – a chip over the top, followed by a grubber through, 5-0 Brothers. Devils struck back almost immediately through Robbie Mackie after a Chris Planchant lineout steal. Brothers then returned the favor, through fluid ball moment and a few fast and loose offloads, with Asotasi Lefaoseu dotting down under the posts 12-7. In the ensuing restart, Peter Fitzgerald hung a high kickoff that eluded everyone to land sweetly into winger Toby Gura’s breadbasket and the Kenyan speedster raced in untouched for a try.

Devils seemed to control the next part of the half as their structured play and good handling freed both Alby Meredith and Andrew Whitestone for tries in the far corner; the two almost carbon copies of each other. Nonetheless the Brothers showed plenty of fight and multiple line breaks through the middle resulted in a try a piece for Andrew and Montana Siale. While the Devils showed good line speed to shut down the ball from moving wide, missed first up tackles and hard lines from the Brothers strike runners meant the Devils back three of Matt Maynard, Mike Rust, and Toby Gura had plenty work to keep the score line intact. In an entertaining back and forth first 40 min, score was 26-22 Devils.

The second half though, was an all Devils affair. The experience and deep bench of the men in red really shone through and the Brothers could not keep up with the pressure. High tempo and quick ball movement meant the Brothers defense had little time to regroup as the Devils trotted in four tries through – Mike Rust, James Gant, Dave Nicholson, and a second for Andrew Whitestone. The Islanders were able to put in a consolation try through Francis Afuamua, as the referee’s final score read Devils 48 Brothers 27.

Devils stay at the top of the league table with 4 wins and 19 points. They stay 9 points clear of Aardvarks and Beijing Pro. Next week’s matchup will see the Devils face off against the Aardvarks, who are also undefeated but have two games in hand.


