
1.Welcome to our Booth. 歡迎來到我們的展位

2.Here is the products list we've worked out. Please take a look at it. 這是我們準備好的產品列表,請查閱!

3.I can't say for certain off-hand. 我現在還說不準

4.You can take some samples for reference. It's free. 你可以帶走一些樣品作為參考,它是免費的。

5. Our booth was at the very entrance of the trade fair, which was very advantageous.我們的展位在交易會的入口處,這是非常有利的!

6.The aisles at the trade fair we attended were really narrow, so it got very crowded.


7. The aisle signs will help you get to our booth 過道的標牌會幫您找到我們的展位。

8.Our main competitor at the trade fair had an island exhibit, but the location wasn't as good as ours. 我們在展會的主要競爭對手有一個 island exhibit但是地點不如我們的好。( island exhibit:可以通往各處的展位

island exhibit

9.Some customers are only looking for freebies(贈品) and aren't really interested in your products. 一些客戶只是尋找贈品,而不是真正對你的產品感興趣。

10.We had a corner booth

, but the location wasn't very helpful as we were at the far end of the main aisle. 我們有一個角落展臺,但是位置不是很有用,因為我們在主通道的盡頭。

11.We needed a team of four for the assembly(組裝) of our booth. 我們需要4人的團隊去組裝展位

12.We had no help with the teardown(拆卸), so we decided to delay it for a few hours until move-out 我們無法幫助拆卸,所以我們決定等幾個小時它搬出去之後再拆。

13.The floor plan平面圖)looked simple, but we got lost at the location 平面圖看起來很簡單,但是我們不知道在哪裡建。

14.The exhibit directory(參會指南) had to be reprinted as there were several omissions. 參會指南不得不被重印,因為那裡有很多遺漏。

15.The move-in(布展) was earlier than initially announced so we had to make sure our teams could get there in time. 布展時間比最初宣佈的早,所以我們不得不確保我們團隊能夠及時到這裡。

16.Everybody was disassembling their booths for move-out(撤展). 大家都在為了撤展而拆了他們的展位。

17.I had a fair pass

通行許可證)for only one day so I had to be selective about which companies I was most interested in. 我有一個通行許可證,不過只能用一天,所以我不得不選擇我最感興趣的公司

18.Our brochures(產品手冊) were appreciated by customers and business partners alike. 我們的產品手冊受到消費者和合作夥伴的一致好評。