除了“Good Bye”,怎麼說再見?

1. 再見。Good-bye.

2. 再見。Bye!

3. 再見了。See you.

4. 我走了。I'm off now.

5. 我必須告辭了。I have to go.

6. 祝你好運。Good luck.

7. 祝你有美好的一天。Have a nice day.

8. 祝週末愉快。Have a nice weekend.

9. 祝你好運。Good luck

10. 好好玩。Have fun.

11. 就照這樣繼續下去。Keep it up!

12. 不要太累了。Don't work too hard!

13. 祝旅途愉快。Have a nice trip!

14. 愉快地玩吧。Have a good one !

15. 我不走不行了。I hate to run ,but...

16. 很高興遇見你。It was nice meeting you.

17. 請代我向約翰問好。Please say Hello to John for me.

18. 晚安。Good night.