Bilingual·Foreign Business|路易·威登的子孫們都在做些啥?


報告 | 行業集中度提升原因何在

Rising industry concentration: why and where?

拍賣 | 弗朗索瓦·路易·威登在京舉辦公益拍賣

Francois Louis Vuitton Auction for Commonwealth in Beijing

物流 | 蒂森克虜伯無人駕駛物流機器人亮相美國

hyssenkrupp’s TeleRetail delivery robot debuts in the US

轉型 | SAP積極助推中國數字化轉型

SAP complementing China’s digital transformation



Rising industry concentration: why and where?


UBS Securities issued the latest equity strategy report stating that the market concentration has increased in many sectors, including Chinese liquor (baijiu), eCommerce, real estate and insurance.


Meanwhile, share prices of many industry leaders have done significantly better in relative terms, contributing to the outperformance of large caps in recent quarters.


And increasing concentration is a structural trend that will continue in the coming years and its impact on stock performance has not been fully priced in.


The report points out that from the macro perspective, three aspects of China’s ongoing structural change are important in shaping the market structure across industries.


Technological advances have made market leaders increasingly dominant in knowledge-intensive industries as China’s innovation boom continues.


UBS Securities says, government policies play a significant role. Explicit policy measures to encourage R&D and innovation, and to promote advanced manufacturing, tend to favour industry leaders that have already acquired large market share given their existing technological advantages.


UBS Securities's findings point to: consumer goods and services (eg, condiments, liquid milk, hotels, after-school tutoring), manufacturing (new energy vehicle [NEV] batteries and buses, LED, solar), tech, property development and insurance, among others.


Francois Louis Vuitton Auction for Commonwealth in Beijing


The fifth generation of the Legendary Louis Vuitton family, Mr. Francois Louis Vuitton, holding hands with the Parkview Wine, hosts the 2018 Francois Louis Vuitton Collection Personnelle Wine Dinner in Beijing. Precious personal collections signed by Mr. Louis Vuitton were auctioned for commonwealth.


Mr. Louis Vuitton says: “Being for years, I pursue my passion for wine, extremely fond of Bordeaux, and extraordinary friendship with many families of the Grand Cru Class. Several years ago, six Grand Cru Class chateaus made some personal collections for me, and used my name as the brand, that this is the first time in Bordeaux.


He stated that all the income of the auction will be donated to the Beijing Water Conservation Foundation, the foundation aims at water safety, water conservation, water protection, promoting water culture and developing water economy.


According to Mr. Wilson Li, the President of the Parkview Wine which is the Asia-Pacific Partner of the Francois Louis Vuitton Collection Personnelle, that the Parkview Wine will market the products as member only since the quota for China is very limited, and there are only 3800 members in mainland China.


hyssenkrupp’s TeleRetail delivery robot debuts in the US


thyssenkrupp’s TeleRetail delivery robot was among the technical innovations and vehicles presented as a benchmark product for autonomous driving at a US Senate Field Hearing.

“在快速發展的美國大城市裡,我們需要智能化的方案來完成最後一英里的運輸,將備件送到技術人員手中。”蒂爾森克虜伯電梯全球物流高級副總裁Ivo Siebers表示。

“Fast growing American Metropolitan areas need intelligent solutions to cover the last mile in delivering spare parts to our technicians. ” explains Ivo Siebers, Senior Vice President of Global Logistics at thyssenkrupp Elevator.


“In connection with TeleRetail we are testing autonomous vehicles to solve this growing logistical problem.”


Self-driving vehicles already play a major role in the future of urban logistics – not in the shape of cars commuting people, but also in the shape of robots carrying and delivering goods.


In collaboration with software developer TeleRetail, thyssenkrupp Elevator launched a pilot project in which delivery robots transport spare parts and other material to maintenance job sites.


Perfect for maintaining elevators in a contemporary way, the robots represent the future of smart maintenance logistics, reinforcing thyssenkrupp Elevator’s position as a future-oriented mobility provider.


For elevator and escalator servicing, spare parts are needed quickly and a technician either has to drive back to base in his orher service vehicle or have it delivered by a colleague.


But with increased traffic clogging up city streets, the pressure on the supply chains is rapidly.

“我們的維保技術人員正面臨著城市化所帶來的挑戰,” Siebers說,“無人駕駛的物流機器人恰好可以解決這一問題,以更加快捷、靈活且環保的方式將零配件從倉庫運往工作現場。”

“This is a major urbanization challenge that our service technicians are already experiencing today,” continues Siebers. “With driverless delivery robots we could fill a gap and get spare parts from our warehouses to the job site faster, more efficiently and with less impact on the environment.”


The delivery robots are just 85 cm wide and are suitable for traveling on sidewalks, thereby avoiding road congestion. They can also reach inner-city areas where vehicular transport is limited, carrying payloads weighing up to 35 kg.


Information on delivery status can be obtained quickly via an online Logistics Automation Platform. “We hope to improve our service delivery in this way,” adds Siebers.


TeleRetail is developing driverless delivery vehicles, and for thyssenkrupp Elevator they could be an optimal logistics solution for elevator servicing.


The cloud-based driverless systems could form complete supply and logistics networks; a promising solution with enormous development potential.


SAP complementing China’s digital transformation

SAP大中華區日前宣佈,2017 年第四季度取得出色業績,並以全年軟件及軟件相關服務(SSRS)兩位數、雲收入三位數的強勁增長態勢,創造了歷史最佳財年。

SAP Greater China recently announced its exceptional performance in the fourth quarter of 2017, capping the company’s biggest year ever with double-digit growth for SSRS (software and software-related service) and very high triple-digit growth in cloud revenue.


The company delivered its best fourth quarter and full year ever, exhibiting steady and consistent growth for the fourth consecutive year in the region.


Mark Gibbs, Global Executive Vice President of SAP SE and President of SAP Greater China says, the tremendous performance from all areas in 2017 is derived from our winning formula in aligning with China's national agenda, collaborating with our industry partners, building a diversified and inclusive culture and focusing on executional excellence.

“展望 2018 和未來,我們將聚焦於策略的有效實施,加速成為雲端的行業引領者。在中國快速發展的數字經濟時代中,SAP將扮演越來越重要的角色,積極助力客戶實現宏偉的發展願景。”紀秉盟說。

“Looking ahead into 2018 and beyond, we are executing on a strategy that will accelerate our leadership in the cloud. SAP will play an increasingly important role in helping our customers achieve their growth ambitions in China’s fast-developing digital economy,” said Mark Gibbs.

2017年第四季度業務亮點包括:SAP S/4HANA 發展勢頭強勁;雲業務增長迅猛;SAP Leonardo迅速獲得市場青睞

Business highlights in Q4 FY17 including: exceptional SAP S/4HANA traction; booming cloud expansion; rapid embrace of SAP leonardo.


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來源 / 經濟日報(記者陳頤、朱琳)