
Jemo IN

Jemo New ProjectHi You!Cyber games concept store




Cyber game has been a hot topic these days, but not a lot spaces really designed for its fans. Hi You is a cyber game theme restaurant. It can offer great service for the cyber game fans to enjoy,to have great food, to share, to compete and to know friends. It is a sharing space and also a space between real world and virtual world.

Project information

項目戶型 兩層複式空間

使用面積 550㎡

Use Area is 550㎡

項目位置 南通

Location: Nantong

項目設計 Jemo Design

Designed by Jemo Design

以下圖片均來自JEMO Design



▲ 一層戶型圖

▲ 二層戶型圖



▲ 進入一樓大廳,炫酷的時空隧道從這一刻開啟。光電,炫酷,暗黑,時尚,統統都是你可以第一眼感受到的氣氛。

From a fancy tunnel, we can enter in a totally different world from reality. Lighting with metal reflection and fancy ceiling, etc. all gives us an impressive feeling and ready to go for cyber game experience.


The colorful lighting design, cool scene, big game display screen, all will bring us a super visual experience.


“More than 100 people all join in a same Cyber game.” “Amazing afternoon tea with your idols” “Top 3 gourmet restaurant in Nantong”, these “labels”make their fans so excited as it mixes one of the best two things in fans’life, “Food and games”.


Super cool back ground, light, etc. from the moment you enter, your soul has been integrated with here. Electronic screen and athletic station are in dispensable elements of electronic competition and the center of the whole space. Stage broken line modeling originates from the change of heart rate when people are tense and confronted. It integrates the rhythm of heart beat into space, boldly and innovatively, and arouses people's emotional resonance.


The fatigue of studying and working all day disappears here, and the body and mind are relaxed and satisfied.



▲超級炫酷的二樓電梯過道,任何一個小細節設計師們都不容放過, 儘可能完美的體現。

Super cool second floor elevator aisle, the design erspay great attention to small details.


Tables’ top material can reflect the lights from the ceiling, which looks like lighting candles on the tables to create a very romantic atmosphere. A game display screen, can allow fans to play cyber games with others while waiting for meals.


In the water bar area, the design mixes black and gold to make a feeling of light luxury and fashion. The display screens can be seen in every corner. The interaction between the on stage and off stage is super nice!


"Contrast": VI rooms are different from the bustle of the open dining area. Well-designed pendent lights matched well with minimalist design style in the VI rooms, which also give the rooms more privacy.


The exterior design of the restaurant is also very cool and high-end. The big red logo has a good meaning and shines.