
世界民族之林 among the nations of the world

與時俱進 keep abreast of the times

第四次工業革命 the Fourth Industrial Revolution

構建全球架構 shape a global architecture

輔助生殖技術assisted reproductive technology

季節性人口遷移 seasonal migration of people

春運 Spring Festival travel rush

開卡 creating account

充值 topping up

里程計價 metered fare

區塊鏈 blockchain

加密貨幣 cryptocurrencies

以人為本 human-centered

錯峰休假 leave on non-public holidays/off-peak vacations

醫療、醫保、醫藥 medical services, health insurance, and the medicine industry

民辦醫療機構 private hospital

偷拍裙底 upskirting

“兩彈一星”勳章 Two Bombs, One Satellite Achievement Medal

國家最高科學技術獎 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award

2019年,有機遇也有挑戰,大家還要一起拼搏、一起奮鬥。2019 will see both opportunities and challenges that will require us to work together shoulder to shoulder.

無論國際風雲如何變幻,中國維護國家主權和安全的信心和決心不會變,中國維護世界和平、促進共同發展的誠意和善意不會變。No matter what these changes bring, China will remain resolute and confident in its defense of its national sovereignty and security. And China's sincerity and goodwill to safeguard world peace and promote common development will remain unchanged.

新徵程上,不管亂雲飛渡、風吹浪打,我們都要緊緊依靠人民,堅持自力更生、艱苦奮鬥。And now, looking forward, despite the complexities and difficulties we may face on the road ahead, we shall always closely rely on the people and stick to self-reliance and hard work.

人民是共和國的堅實根基,人民是我們執政的最大底氣。Our people are the country's solid foundation and our main source of confidence to govern.

我們改革的腳步不會停滯,開放的大門只會越開越大。China's reforms will never stop, and its doors will only open ever wider.

一個流動的中國,充滿了繁榮發展的活力。我們都在努力奔跑,我們都是追夢人。China, as a country of people on the move, is energetically pursuing prosperity. We are all running very hard. We are all dream chasers.

歲月不居,時節如流。Time stops for no one, and the seasons keep changing.

預選著陸區 the preselected landing area

著陸在月球背面 touch down on the far side of the moon

臺灣問題是中國的內政,不容任何外來干涉。The Taiwan question is China's internal affair and allows no external interference.

中華民族偉大復興 the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation

重要改革舉措 important reform measures

1000萬農村貧困人口擺脫貧困 lift 10 million people in the country's rural areas out of poverty

和平與發展仍是時代主題 peace and development remain the call of the day

以聯合國為核心的國際體系 UN-centered international system

以規則為基礎的多邊主義 rules-based multilateralism

促進世界和平是中國追求的長期目標。Promoting world peace is China's consistent objective.

相通則各進,相閉則各退。Countries make progress through exchanges and fall behind due to isolation.

擴大科研人員在技術路線選擇、資金使用、成果轉化等方面的自主權 expand the decision-making rights of scientists and researchers in choosing technological routes, utilizing funds, and transforming their research achievements

強化企業創新主體地位,健全產學研一體化創新機制 the need to strengthen the role of enterprises in innovation, and the integration of industries, universities and research institutes

臺海形勢走向和平穩定、兩岸關係向前發展的時代潮流,是任何人任何勢力都無法阻擋的!The peaceful and stable development of cross-Straits situations and the progress of cross-Straits relations are the tide of the time that can never be stopped by anyone or any force.

兩岸同胞都是中國人,血濃於水、守望相助的天然情感和民族認同,是任何人任何勢力都無法改變的!The fact that compatriots across the Straits are all Chinese who share natural kinship and national identity can never be changed by anyone or any force.

臺灣是中國一部分、兩岸同屬一箇中國的歷史和法理事實,是任何人任何勢力都無法改變的!The historical and legal facts, that Taiwan is part of China and the two sides across Taiwan Straits belong to one and the same China, can never be altered by anyone or any force.

正當防衛 justifiable defense

妨害公務罪 crime of endangering public affairs

尋釁滋事行為 causing disturbances

微型生態系統 mini biosphere

商務英語證書 Business English Certificate

大學英語考試 College English Test, CET

英語專業考試 Test for English Majors, TEM

全國英語等級考試 Public English Test System, PETS

中國英語能力等級量表 China's Standards of English Language Ability,CSE

獲得感、幸福感、安全感 sense of fulfillment, happiness and security

佔用應急車道 emergency lane occupancy

正當防衛 justifiable defense

核心指標 core indicator

數據傳輸速度 data transmission speed

智慧家居 smart home

北京城市副中心 Beijing’s subsidiary center