
(2019年1月8日,上海) – 全球知名獨立技術和市場調研公司Forrester近期發佈了Forrester Wave 2018年第四季度評估報告,電通安吉斯集團旗下Data2Decisions(D2D)在“營銷效果評估和優化方案”評估中獲得了“表現優異者”的評價。亞太地區的營銷效果評估體系尚處在發展階段,此次由Forrester選出的“帶來關鍵性改變”的代理商,尤其對於D2D的本地化整合方案給予了肯定和認可。


D2D研究與數據分析主管仲翔暉(Simon Zhong)表示:“自從2018年8月D2D進駐上海,我們拓展了在全球範圍內的業務,開始為宜家家居、康師傅、捷豹路虎和美素佳兒等客戶服務。我們深入掌握客戶各方面的需求,提供定製化的諮詢服務,根據本地情況調整對營銷效果的評估。藉助D2D的全球營銷工具和方法論,我們中國團隊進行了一系列針對本地市場的建模研究,讓我們能夠更好地理解客戶的需求,與客戶密切合作,做出數據驅動型的決定,創造有價值的市場體驗。”

電通安吉斯中國首席執行官崔仲詩(Susana Tsui)補充道:“Forrester的認可證實了我們幫助客戶提高投資回報率的能力,並能夠協助客戶在品牌建設上做出不斷創新的實力。我們在新客戶上所取得的成功也進一步證明了D2D獨樹一幟的產品和服務是整個市場和行業真正迫切需要的。”

Data2decisions, part of Dentsu Aegis Network,

cited as a Strong Performer in ‘Marketing Measurement And Optimization Solutions In APAC’ report

by leading independent research firm

(8 January , 2019 - Shanghai, China) Having been invited by Forrester to participate in The Forrester Wave™: Marketing Measurement And Optimization Solutions In Asia Pacific, Q4 2018 evaluation, Data2Decisions (D2D) has been named as a ‘Strong Performer’. With a lower measurement maturity noted in APAC, Forrester identified that vendors with localised, integrated solutions and services are “key differentiators”.

According to the report, “D2D has strong services and localisation capabilities. Customer references mainly engage D2D for marketing mix modelling (MMM) and are satisfied with its services and model-building capabilities”, with one customer commenting that “D2D’s methodology was clear and convincing”.

D2D China’s Head of Research and Analytics, Simon Zhong, said: “Since launching our Shanghai D2D operations in August 2018, we have expanded our global offering of superior marketing effectiveness services with an enlarged client portfolio including iconic brands like Ikea, KSF, JLR and Friso. We recognise and cater to the increasing needs of clients across all sectors for specialist consultancy services catered to marketing effectiveness with local nuances. Equipped with D2D’s advanced global marketing tools and methodology, we conduct all modelling studies with a local China-based team, allowing us to understand and work closer together with our clients in making data-driven decisions that create valuable market experiences.”

Chief Executive Officer of Dentsu Aegis Network China, Susana Tsui, added: “We believe this recognition by Forrester is a testament to our proven ability to improve media ROI and innovate the way brands are built within the Dentsu Aegis Network. Our newly acquired clients have further validated that D2D’s unique product and service offering is exactly what the market and industry needs right now.”