
A Chinese robotic probe has become the first spacecraft to land on the far side of the moon.


State media in Beijing have confirmed within the last hour that the Chang'e-4 probe had touched down successfully.


It marks a milestone in space exploration. Never before attempted, the mission faced serious challenges, including landing on the much more rugged terrain of the moon's far side and the need for a relay satellite to bring the signals back home.


The Chang'e-4 probe named after a Chinese goddess has touched down close to the moon's south pole in its oldest and deepest crater.


The experiments on board are expected to offer important insights into the formation of our solar system.



① the far side of the moon 月球背面

② probe [prəʊb]n. 探針;調查vt. 探查;用探針探測

③ rugged ['rʌgɪd]adj. 崎嶇的;堅固的;高低不平的;粗糙的

④ terrain [təˈreɪn n. [地理] 地形,地勢;領域;地帶

⑤ crater ['kreɪtə]n. 火山口;彈坑