

1. People say: “I could care less.”

People should say: “I couldn’t care less.”

When you say “I couldn’t care less,” you’re saying you really, really don’t care. You care so little, that you could not care any less.

If someone tells you that your ex is dating someone again, you could say “I couldn’t care less.” But when people confuse this and say “I could care less” they’re actually saying the opposite.

人們經常說: “I could care less.”正確表達則是: “I couldn’t care less”.

當你說“I couldn’t care less,”你想表達的是你真的很不在乎。

如果有人告訴你你的前任又在和別人約會,你可以說“I couldn’t care less.”但是當你不瞭解這個短語,而直接說“I could care less”, 其實是表達了相反的意思。

2. People say: “You have another thing coming”

People should say: “You have another think coming”

Hearing the full phrase helps a lot in this case of misheard phrase confusion: “If that’s what you think, then you have another thk coming.”

The original phrase is not grammatically correct, but it’s a way of saying that someone’s opinion is incorrect. Many people disagree on this phrase, though, so you might hear either way used in conversation.

人們經常說:“You have another thing coming”. 人們應該說: “You have another think coming”.


3. People say: “One in the same”

People should say: “One and the same”

To put an emphasis on the fact that two things are actually identical or the same thing, you can use the phrase “one and the same.” For example, “The authors Stephen King and Richard Bachman are one and the same.”

“One in the same” is just a misheard form of the phrase.

人們經常說:“One in the same”. 人們應該說: “One and the same”.

去強調一個事實,即兩個事情是同樣的,又可以用短語“one and the same”。比如說,“Stephen King 和 Richard Bachman 是兩個非常相似的作家”

“one in the same” 是一種錯誤形式

4. People say: “Plead the Fifth”

People should say: “Take the fifth”

If you’ve ever watched an American crime drama, you might have heard the phrase “I plead the fifth!” This comes from the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of America. Specifically, it’s from the part that says you have the right not to answer a question if the answer might make you look guilty.

Unlike in the movies, though, in a real courtroom you would not plead the fifth; you would take the fifth. So if someone asks you who ate the last cookie, you could say, “I take the fifth!” which, of course, just makes you look guilty.

The word “plea” means a request, usually of an emotional kind. You can “plead to be allowed to retake a test you failed,” or “make a plea for a retake.” In a courtroom, the plea is the statement someone makes at the start of a trial: “I plead guilty” or “I plead not guilty.”

人們經常說:“plead the fifth”. 人們應該說: “take the fifth”.

如果你看美劇,你可能聽到短語 “I plead the fifth”!這個短語來自於美國憲法第五修正案。憲法有部分特別說明,你有權放棄回答讓你看似有罪的問題。

同電影不同,儘管在法院你不能用“plead the fifth”, 但是你可以用“take the fifth”.

5. People say: “[X] and myself”

People should say: “[X] and me, [X] and I”

One confusing part of English grammar is when to say “[some person] and I” versus “me and [some person].” To avoid using either, some people have started saying, “[some person] and myself.” This is becoming more popular, but it’s not correct! Luckily it’s easy to learn which phrase to use, since this is important.

A sentence like “Sam and I went to the park” is actually two sentences put together to save time and sound better. If you separate the two parts, it would look like this: “Sam went to the park. I also went to the park.”

Whenever you’re not sure which pronoun to use in a sentence, just separate the sentence into two.

For example, “The photographer took a picture of Sam and [?].” To figure out which word to use (“me” or “I”), let’s split it into two sentences:

The photographer took a picture of Sam. The photographer took a picture of me.

So the correct phrase is, “The photographer took a picture of Sam and me.”

人們經常說:“[X] and Myself”. 人們應該說: “[X] and me, [X] and I”.

相比起來“我[me]和某人[someone]”,表達“某人[some person]和我[I]”則是一個讓人疑惑的英語語法。為了避免錯用語法,人們經常用 “某人[some person]和我自己[myself]”來代替。這種用法變得越來越流行,但是這種表達是錯誤的。

The next time you want to use any of these English phrases in conversation, now you’ll know how to use them correctly!

