
ZGF Architects為Expensify科技公司設計了他們位於波特蘭的總部。該公司成立於2008年,在波特蘭以外的幾個城市也設有辦事處,包括舊金山和倫敦。

該公司於2017年將業務擴展到俄勒岡州波特蘭,並決定租賃國家地標性建築第一國民銀行(First National Bank)作為他們的新總部,該銀行始建於1916年,由Coolidge和Shattuck設計。經典的柱式和石頭幹掛定義了建築的禁慾主義基調。

A swinging chaise and a hidden salon are among features in this tech company headquarters, housed inside a century-old bank in Portland, Oregon. For its Oregon location, the company decided to lease the National Landmark First National Bank, which dates to 1916 and was designed by Coolidge and Shattuck. Classical columns and stone cladding define the building’s stoic exterior.


For the interior, ZGF worked with Expensify to create a space that reflects the company’s preference for a “choose-your-own-adventure” work environment, in which seating is not assigned and employees are able to work in a variety of spaces.


In addition to creating an office that embodies the company spirit, the design team had to be mindful that they are renting the space. “Keeping in mind Expensify does not own the building, design interventions had to speak not only to the enduring grandeur of the existing interiors but also the realities of a finite lease term,” the firm said.The team therefore conceived an open, dynamic space that fuses remnants of the past with modern elements.


At the centre of the building is a vast, skylit atrium with soaring classical columns, art-deco detailing and large bank vaults. The team sought to create an atmosphere that is “reminiscent of Grand Central Station or scenes from The Great Gatsby”.


The team inserted a series of staircases that connect the different levels. Flanking one set of stairs are two “floating” glazed boxes containing conference rooms. The boxes’ proportions and detailing are mean to reference the building’s historical character.






項目名稱:Expensify Offices





設計公司:ZGF Architects

攝影: Garrett Rowland