


Fangzhang exquisite sculpture, the two animals of India and New Zealand adopt the round sculpture technique, using the knife method in the delicate to see rigidity, round and clear. Swiss beast round eyes, like nose augmentation, hair neat in the slightest, powerful expression, side looking back, small Swiss beast playing beside him, clever and lively situation is lovely. The delicate treatment in sculpture is particularly wonderful. Only with deep knife skills can the realm of "hand in hand, knife in mind" be presented.



Lot 4979 壽山田黃石方章


成交價:RMB 13,225,000


China Jiade Spring Shot in 2013

Lot 4979 Shoushan Tian Huangshi Fangzhang

3 x 3 x 5.5 cm, weighing 131 G

Transaction Price: RMB 13,225,000


H:4.4cm W:22g



Tianhuang Chilong Button Seal

H:4.4cm W:22g

Valuation: 2.6 million

Seal: Ren Shou

This Tianhuang seal has a smooth texture, clear silk pattern, old color and luster. The relief and carving of the button are satisfactory. The sculptor is exquisite and skilled, which can be done by non-vulgar workers.


This seal is golden in color and slightly orange-red in color. Its texture is delicate and concreting, thick and elegant, and the silk pattern of radish is dimly visible. With ingenuity and ingenuity, the author portrays a beautiful picture of mountains and rivers, which is covered by cottages in distant woods and shows a tranquil and far-reaching artistic conception. The whole work shows the author's exquisite skill and artistic accomplishment with the smooth knife technique and the combination of rigidity and softness.


H:4.8cm W:33g



Tianhuang Ancient Beast Button Seal

H:4.8cm W:33g

Valuation: 3.8 million

Seal: Huafeng Old Man

Tianhuang Fangzhang has a uniform color and high quality. Button worker for the Qing Dynasty Seiko, vivid and realistic body of ancient animals, hair, claws and teeth and other details are excellence. The bottom engraved "Huafeng Old Man" four characters, seals and seal books are not lack of flexibility, ingenuity and law, can be called a masterpiece.



Ma Liang (1840-1939) was born in Dantu (now Dantu District of Zhenjiang City), a famous educator in China, founder of Fudan University and first president of Sinian University. Originally named Ma Zhide, the word Sizang, and the word Xiangbo, Xiangbo, Xiangbo, the word line, not to ask for me, late Huafeng old man. Cai Yuanpei, an outstanding educator, Yu Youren, a senior official of the Republic of China, and Shao Lizi were his disciples. His works are included in the anthology of Mr. Ma Xiangbo.

Tianhuang, because of its top quality and particularity of material, was cherished by the Qing emperors. As a precious seal printing material, it was appreciated by scholars. The scholars in Ming and Qing Dynasties showed extraordinary love for Tianhuang and there were many poems and essays praising Tianhuang, which made Tianhuang bear rich historical and cultural connotations and become the top collection sought after by collectors.