

1. Let's get into it. / Let's start. / let's get started. 讓我們開始吧

2. A bunch of questions 一些問題。 Many = a bunch of

3. has a fetish for … 對……迷戀,喜歡

4. That being said, … 話雖這麼說,但……

5. That's fucking hilarious. 這真(他媽的)搞笑

6. Would you date someone who is … 你願意和……的人約會嗎?

7. What bothers me is that … 令我苦惱的是……

8. It's 90(可替換)percent of time … 絕大多數時候……

9. I am so tone-deaf. It's not even funny. My voice cracks sometimes.


I get embarrassed for a second and I'm like, I wonder if someone has been sitting in my car and …

10. Don't ask me any perverse questions. 別問我故意刁難的問題。

11. Sugarcoat v.把……說得很好。 例:Don't sugarcoat the bad news.

12. Happy Wednesday, guys! 大家週三快樂

13. …… scared the living shit out of me. ……剛剛把我嚇到了。

14. It is …… that I love with. 我愛上了某物/人。、

15. Anyway, that's it. 不論如何就這樣吧。

16. Roughly in an hour. 大概1小時左右。

17. Hopefully, I can pass all the exams. 希望我通過所以考試。

18. School stuff學校事務 stuff= matter=thing … And stuff like that. 等等

19. Oh, look at that! (引起注意) Look at this monstrosity. 看那個龐然大物。

20. It's just not my thing. 這不是我的菜。

21. Can you curl your tongue? 你能捲舌嗎? Curl 捲曲

22. We are talking musicwise. 我們從音樂的角度談論。 -wise以……方式,順……方向

23. That's shaky. 那靠不住。

24. Who was your high school crush? 誰是你高中迷戀的對象

25. Check me out on … 關注/瞭解……

26. Thumbs up for this video. 請為這個視頻點贊。

Bring down the house. 喝彩。為……鼓掌。

27. At the top of the hour. 整點的時候。

28. At the bottom of the hour. 30分鐘的時候。

…,but at the end of the day, …

29. It lights everything up. 這個讓所有東西變得更好。

30. Sugar-free 無糖的 Water-proof防水的

以上就是今天的乾貨了,小夥伴們抓緊收藏呀,記住要多記憶才能脫口而出,流暢自如呀。基礎打撈後後面的路就順暢多了,希望大家持之以恆,小編也好抓緊時間更新呀,儘量不影響大家的學習。和小編一起跟啞巴英語Say goodbye。