七年級人教版英語下冊Unit 12重點知識

七年級人教版英語下冊Unit 12重點知識

Unit 12 What did you do last weekend ?


do ... homework 做作業

go boating 去划船

study for the math test 為數學考試學習

living habits 生活習慣

have a good weekend 過一個愉快的週末

stay up 熬夜

play with... 和...一起玩

swimming pool 游泳池

high school (middle school ) 中學

put up 建起 舉起

look out of ... 向....外面看

go camping 去野營

run away 跑開

shout at.... 衝....大聲叫喊

shout to ... 對...大聲叫喊

fly a kite 放風箏

each other 互相 彼此

get a surprise 吃驚

wake ... up 把...弄醒

up and down 上上下下


1, What did he do last weekend ? 上週末他幹什麼了?

He did his homework .他做他的作業了.

2, Who went home yesterday ? 昨天誰回家了?

Lucy did. 魯西回家了.

3, Where did she learn math ? 昨天她在哪學習數學了?

She learnt math in the room . 她在那個房間學習數學.

4, Who did you play with ? 你和誰一起玩?

I played with my classmates . 我和我的同學玩.