僅憑一篇英文作文,17歲華裔女孩讓8所美國常青藤名校都say Yes!


17歲的美國華裔女孩蕭靖彤(Cassandra Hsiao)就收到了所有藤校的錄取通知書。



I'm still processing it. It's not something you expect when you open these college messages on your portal. I saw a yes and a yes, a congratulations after a congratulations. It's totally surreal. I'm still sinking in. I had a moment to myself yesterday where I was just sobbing.我還在消化這個消息。在郵箱打開這些高校發來的郵件時,你可不敢想象會有這樣的驚喜。我看到了一個接一個的“yes”,一個接一個的“congratulations”。這太不真實了!我還沒完全反應過來。我昨天一個人待了一會兒,一直在哭。









In our house, English is not English. Not in the phonetic sense, like short a is for apple, but rather in the pronunciation – in our house, snake is snack. Words do not roll off our tongues correctly – yet I, who was pulled out of class to meet with language specialists, and my mother from Malaysia, who pronounces film as flim, understand each other perfectly.


In our house, there is no difference between cast and cash, which was why at a church retreat, people made fun of me for “cashing out demons.” I did not realize the glaring difference between the two Englishes until my teacher corrected my pronunciations of hammock, ladle, and siphon. Classmates laughed because I pronounce accept as except, success as sussess. I was in the Creative Writing conservatory, and yet words failed me when I needed them most.

在我們家,“cast”(拋擲)和“cash”(現金)沒有分別,這就是為什麼在教會退休會,人們常常取笑我說的“cashing out demons”(本應為“casting out demons”,趕鬼)。我一直沒有意識到這兩個英語單詞之間的差異,直到老師糾正了我的hammock、ladle、和siphon的發音,才恍然大悟。同學們笑我,因為我將accept(接受)讀成except(除外),將success讀成sussess。儘管我參加了創意寫作,但常常詞不達意。

Suddenly, understanding flower is flour wasn’t enough. I rejected the English that had never seemed broken before, a language that had raised me and taught me everything I knew. Everybody else’s parents spoke with accents smarting of Ph.D.s and university teaching positions. So why couldn’t mine?


My mother spread her sunbaked hands and said, “This is where I came from,” spinning a tale with the English she had taught herself.


When my mother moved from her village to a town in Malaysia, she had to learn a brand new language in middle school: English. In a time when humiliation was encouraged, my mother was defenseless against the cruel words spewing from the teacher, who criticized her paper in front of the class. When she began to cry, the class president stood up and said, “That’s enough.”


“Be like that class president,” my mother said with tears in her eyes. The class president took her under her wing and patiently mended my mother’s strands of language. “She stood up for the weak and used her words to fight back.”



We were both crying now. My mother asked me to teach her proper English so old white ladies at Target wouldn’t laugh at her pronunciation. It has not been easy. There is a measure of guilt when I sew her letters together. Long vowels, double consonants — I am still learning myself. Sometimes I let the brokenness slide to spare her pride but perhaps I have hurt her more to spare mine.


As my mother’s vocabulary began to grow, I mended my own English. Through performing poetry in front of 3000 at my school’s Season Finale event, interviewing people from all walks of life, and writing stories for the stage, I stand against ignorance and become a voice for the homeless, the refugees, the ignored.


With my words I fight against jeers pelted at an old Asian street performer on a New York subway. My mother’s eyes are reflected in underprivileged ESL children who have so many stories to tell but do not know how. I fill them with words as they take needle and thread to make a tapestry.

我用自己的語言回擊那些嘲笑 紐約地鐵裡賣藝的亞裔老人的聲音。從那些弱勢的、母語非英語的孩子們身上,我彷彿看見了自己的母親。他們有很多故事要講,卻不知道如何去講。我教他們說英語,同時,他們能夠自己穿針引線把故事編織出來。

In our house, there is beauty in the way we speak to each other. In our house, language is not broken but rather bursting with emotion. We have built a house out of words. There are friendly snakes in the cupboard and snacks in the tank. It is a crooked house. It is a little messy. But this is where we have made our home.

在我的家裡,家人之間說話的方式自有其美好之處。 在我的家裡,我們的語言與其說是“破碎的”,不如說是滿溢著感情。我們用自己的語言搭建起一座房子。在這個房子裡,壁櫥裡有不傷人的“snake”,水池裡卻有“snack”。這個家有些另類,有些亂,但正因如此,這才是我們的家。



Identity and the desire to belong are two of the most relatable struggles that people face. I wanted to share a slice of our home life, my relationship with my mother and both of our stories.對身份認同感和歸屬感的渴望和掙扎是最能讓人產生共鳴的東西。我想和他人分享我的家庭生活的一個側面,我和母親的感情和我們倆的經歷。


"My mother is my role model. She keeps me grounded and inspires me not only to dream big but to take action to make those dreams come true. I love her passion for life, her boldness, her compassion and her honesty."我母親是我的榜樣,她讓我腳踏實地,她激勵我不光要有夢想,還要採取實際行動讓夢想成真。我愛她對生活的熱情、她的勇敢、她的悲憫和她的誠實。



網友Leon Burke在Facebook上說:

"Getting accepted into all eight Ivy League schools is amazing and after reading your essay, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more than you do."被所有8所常春藤學校錄取真的是不可思議,但看過你的文章以後,我覺得沒有人比你更值得這樣的成就。


蕭靖彤目前就讀於橙縣藝術學校(Orange County School of the Arts),她的GPA高達4.67,SAT成績更是高達1540。



“I’m an entertainment journalist. Some may see it as a lower form of journalism, but I think it should be held up to all other types of journalists. We can frame celebrities in a light that will inspire followers to follow their dreams.”我是一名娛樂記者,有些人可能覺得這是低人一等的記者。但我覺得娛記和其他記者都應得到同樣重視。我們可以選擇一些角度來報道明星,從而激勵大眾為夢想奮鬥。






I miss Malaysia and think about my home country quite often. Growing up, I loved flying kites, going to markets and setting off firecrackers. I spent my childhood babbling in a mixture of Chinese, Malay and English.







In the next couple of weeks, I will be visiting certain schools and exploring their programmes, learning from professors and talking with students to find a place that will be a comfortable, lovely and supportive home for the next four years.在接下來的幾周裡,我將訪問幾所學校,瞭解他們的課程,向教授們學習,並和學生們進行交談,為之後的四年尋找一個舒適、可愛而且支持我的家。

