

Romance 愛情片

Drama 戲劇

Comedy 喜劇

Action 動作片

Sci-Fi movies 科幻片

Documentary 紀錄片

Chick-flick 文藝愛情片;小妞電影

Pay attention to the word “chick”, it is an impolite reference to woman. 指涉世未深,好騙的女生。

“Chick-flick” is often used pejoratively, for a film mainly dealing with female characters and designed to appeal to a female target audience. 常作貶義,指由女性作主要人物,迎合女性觀眾的電影。往往是愛情故事,容易引起情感共鳴。

Bromance 兄弟情誼

A close but non-sexual relationship between two or more men. 基友情,但不是同性戀人。

Romcom (romantic comedy) 浪漫喜劇

評價電影 (Describing movies)

Cut to the chase = get to the point 跳到高潮片段 (chase 追趕,可以理解成追逐的戲份都比較有趣,直接跳到那部分,跳到 高潮片段)

How was the movie? 電影怎麼樣?

It gave me food for thought. 這部電影引人思考。

It made my blood run cold. 太可怕了。(make one’s blood run cold 令某人感到不寒而慄)

I was on the edge of my seat the whole time! 太精彩了!(想象一下,坐得很前,靠近銀幕全程投入其中,電影肯定很精彩)

It’s a feel-good movie. 暖心,讓人感覺很好 heartwarming

The plot was intriguing 十分抓人/ breathtaking 十分吸引人/ moving 感人/ hilarious 搞笑

It was like watching grass grow. 非常的無聊 (be like watching grass grow 十分無聊)


封面圖片 | 淼淼

審核校對 | 張津
