
小魚寄語:Holly Legge目前在從事健身教練工作,她的目標是讓每個女人都能蛻變成最好的自己。在10月12日結束的加拿大健美比賽中,Holly拿到了比基尼類冠軍,作為一位選美小姐又參加健美比賽,而且是一位職業健美選手,對我們而言,她是一個不錯的榜樣,看看她有哪些話想對變美的女人說。

走近百大冠軍第193期Holly(職業比基尼/選美小姐):給你們所有的女人,女性,女孩——那些迷失了方向,失去了光彩,失去了火花,失去了自信的人,我來這裡是要提醒你們。To all of you women, females, girls - who have lost your way, your glitter, your spark or certainty in yourself, I'm here to remind you.

你可以做到任何事情,摔倒後可以爬起來。You can achieve anything.You can get up after falling down.

在你的人生旅途中,你可以成為英雄。你內外兼修。You can be a hero in your own life journey.You are beautiful inside and out.

即使當障礙和挑戰看起來太多的時候,你也可以繼續拼搏。You can keep pushing even when the obstacles and challenges seem like they are to much.

你是女人。這意味著你天生就有力量,堅強,能像一個冠軍一樣承受艱難困苦。You Are Woman.Which means you are innately born to be powerful, strong,and to withstand hardships like a champ.

你可以做到,我知道,以及你知道你意味著偉大。You Can Achieve.I know, and you know you are meant for greatness.

所以,如果你受傷了,如果你在掙扎,我想讓你知道我就在那裡,如假包換。So if you are hurting, if you are struggling, I want you to know I've been there, like really been there.

今天我昂首挺胸,說我更加堅強。只為了讓你提醒自己,你是多麼的特別,繼續你的夢想,繼續相信。And l'm standing tall today saying, I'm stronger for it.Just your nightly reminder of just how special you are,keep dreaming and keep believing.