Consumer Prices for July 2018

Consumer Prices for July 2018

In July 2018, the consumer price index (CPI) went up by 2.1 percent year-on-year. The prices grew by 2.1 percent in cities and 2.0 percent in rural areas. The food prices went up by 0.5 percent, and the non-food prices increased 2.4 percent. The prices of consumer goods went up by 1.8 percent and the prices of services grew by 2.5 percent. On average from January to July, the overall consumer prices were up by 2.0 percent from the same period of the previous year.

In July, the consumer prices went up by 0.3 percent month-on-month. Of which, prices went up by 0.4 percent in cities and 0.1 percent in rural areas. The food prices went up by 0.1 percent, and the non-food prices went up by 0.3 percent. The prices of consumer goods increased 0.1 percent, and the prices of services increased 0.7 percent.

I. Year-on-Year Changes of Prices of Different Categories

Prices of food, tobacco and liquor, went up by 1.0 percent year-on-year, affecting nearly 0.31 percentage points increase in the CPI. Of which, the prices of eggs, went up by 11.7 percent, affecting nearly 0.06 percentage points increase in the CPI; poultry, up by 6.6 percent, affecting nearly 0.08 percentage points increase in the CPI; fresh vegetables, up by 3.8 percent, affecting nearly 0.09 percentage points increase in the CPI; meat, down by 4.9 percent, affecting nearly 0.22 percentage points decrease in the CPI (price of pork was down by 9.6 percent, affecting nearly 0.24 percentage points decrease in the CPI); cooking oil, down by 0.7 percent, affecting nearly 0.01 percentage points decrease in the CPI.

The prices of all the other seven categories increased year-on-year. Of which, the prices of health care, transportation and communication, residence, increased 4.6, 3.0 and 2.4 percent respectively, education, culture and recreation, household articles and services, increased 2.3 and 1.6 percent respectively, clothing, other articles and services, both increased 1.2 percent.

II. Month-on-Month Changes of Prices of Different Categories

Prices of food, tobacco and liquor went up by 0.2 percent year-on-year, affecting nearly 0.05 percentage points increase in the CPI. Of which, prices for fresh vegetables, went up by 1.7 percent, affecting nearly 0.04 percentage points increase in the CPI; meat, up by 1.6 percent, affecting nearly 0.06 percentage points increase in the CPI (price of pork was up by 2.9 percent, affecting nearly 0.06 percentage points increase in the CPI);fresh fruits, down by 3.7 percent, affecting nearly 0.06 percentage points decrease in the CPI; aquatic products , cooking oil , grain, decreased 0.4, 0.2 and 0.1 percent respectively, affecting nearly 0.01 percentage points decrease in the CPI altogether.

Among the prices of the other seven categories, six increased and one decreased month-on-month. Of which, the prices of education, culture and recreation, transportation and communication, household articles and services, increased 1.5, 0.3 and 0.1 percent respectively, residence, health care, other articles and services, all increased 0.2 percent, clothing, decreased 0.4 percent.

Consumer Prices in July


1. Explanatory Notes

Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an index measuring changes over time in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by residents, which comprehensively reflects the changes of price level.

2. Statistical Coverage

Consumer Price Index (CPI) covers the prices of goods and services of 8 categories and 262 basic divisions which cover the living consumption of urban and rural residents, including food, tobacco and liquor; clothing; residence; household articles and services; transportation and communication; education, culture and recreation; health care; other articles and services.

3. Survey Methods

The prices collection units are selected and determined by sample survey methods, and the original data of consumer prices are collected by specific person in fixed place at fixed time. Data are collected from 88,000 prices collection units in 500 cities and counties of the 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), which cover shopping malls, supermarkets, open fairs, service outlets and Internet E-commerce suppliers.