讓萬類自由智聯!聯想發布Lenovo Connect IoT服務

當地時間2月26日,聯想在巴塞羅那MWC大會舉行以“Let All Kinds Connect Freely”為主題的Lenovo Connect IoT Service發佈會。聯想集團董事長兼CEO楊元慶出席發佈會,並參與發佈儀式。

聯想發佈Lenovo Connect IoT服務

Lenovo Connect IoT服務是聯想圍繞“三波戰略”打造的全球智能物聯雲平臺服務,通過匯聚全球優質的連接及服務資源,致力於做透物聯網的行業化和場景化。發佈會期間,聯想集團副總裁、懂的通信總經理王帥博士談到,“智能互聯的核心是做透行業化和場景化,最終讓萬類自由智聯。因此,設備廠商要all in智聯網,通過開放合作和聯合運營,獲取用戶價值;同時擁抱傳統產業,抓住產業轉型升級IoT化的浪潮。目前,聯想已從IoT、Cloud、Big Data、AI、Global Service以及區塊鏈技術等方面佈局智能物聯網。而且,Lenovo Connect IoT服務能力是對合作夥伴開放的。所以,歡迎更多合作伙伴加入到聯想智能物聯網生態中,共同推動產業發展”。


這是王帥博士繼去年MWC大會首次英文演講後,再次全程英文介紹Lenovo Connect IoT服務,並和大家分享了一首英文詩歌。這充分體現了聯想願攜手全球合作伙伴共同奔向智能互聯網黎明的決心。


大家好!去年,我給大家帶來了全球領先的eSIM產品。今年,我為大家帶來一個新朋友,歡迎smart Elena。這位朋友在未來,將會連接一切可能。所以,今天我的演講主題也是來源於由 Elena帶來的未來世界的真實情景。在未來智能將連接世界萬物。Let All Kinds Connect Freely!

Martin:Hi, Elena!巴塞羅那是一個具有浪漫風情的城市,你覺得未來在這裡發生的最有意思的戀情是什麼呢?





Elena:Everything is possible!因為,我們即將進入一個萬類智聯的時代!

Martin:說得好!那接下來就讓我和 Elena一起帶著大家,穿越時空隧道,進入萬類智聯的時代吧!


1969年10月29日,UCLA實驗室的兩臺計算機實現數據互通,標誌著互聯網的誕生。2007年1月9日,史蒂夫•喬布斯向全球發佈了可觸屏的iPhone,帶來了全新的移動互聯體驗,標誌著移動互聯網新時代的誕生。2016年10月26日,在懂的通信一週年發佈會上,我提出這個世界一定會迅速進入智能互聯網或萬類智聯時代。萬類智聯所連接的不光是物,還包括虛擬的產品和服務,包括情感、情緒,甚至包括連接本身。今天,Lenovo Connect IoT正式發佈,預示著智能互聯網全面爆發。

那麼,什麼是Lenovo Connect IoT?Lenovo Connect IoT是聯想懂的通信自主打造的全球智聯服務,通過匯聚全球優質的連接及服務資源,致力於做透物聯網的行業化和場景化,而這“兩化”正是智能互聯的核心。

目前,我們在物聯網的“兩化”方面已取得一定成效。在智能出行方面,我們已為蔚來汽車、小鵬汽車等數十家領先的新能源汽車企業提供涵蓋車聯網通信、智能連接管理平臺、換電站組網通信、車聯 T-BOX、車輛運營管理TSP平臺、車聯大數據等一體化服務。在智能交互方面,我們深度整合集團的硬件設備、移動通信服務和雲服務等資源,打造智能連接解決方案。我們將eSIM服務應用在聯想多款筆記本電腦上,如聯想首款驍龍筆記本Miix 630、聯想柔性屏智能設備CPlus和Folio等。除了上述兩方面,我們在新零售、智能支付、共享經濟、智能物流、工業物聯網和農業物聯網等領域都有佈局。


要把行業做透,把場景打穿,實現真正的智能互聯,首先必須實現連接,需要多樣化的通信網絡。而5G即將來臨,其高性能、高容量、低延遲的特點能為物聯網蓬勃發展提供極大的支持。大風已經吹起來了!我們必須抓住機遇,快速轉型!不同的設備、不同的網絡,可以組成不同的行業解決方案,應用在各種場景中。以Lenovo Connect IoT服務為基礎,讓設備、網絡等自由組合,最終實現萬類自由智聯。

Lenovo Connect IoT的核心是我們自主研發的Lenovo Connect IoT Platform。這個平臺能為客戶提供連接管理服務、設備管理服務、大數據服務、雲服務以及AI服務,具備整合通信能力、全生命週期管理能力、端到端能力和敏捷開發能力等優勢。同時,我們將通過全方位、強有力的泛連接體系,以及優化整合區塊鏈技術領域的資源,為客戶提供一站式的物聯網服務,提高客戶的運營效率,節省開支,規避風險以及實現智能迭代。

目前,Lenovo Connect IoT在中國的蜂窩連接數已經突破1千萬,僅次於中國三大運營商,預計三年內連接數超過1億。我們未來將在全球80%以上的國家和地區開展物聯網服務。合作伙伴涵蓋智能出行、新零售、共享經濟等新生物種領域,以及一些想要轉型升級的傳統老物種如智能交互、智能政務及金融等領域。


聯想是全球最大的設備廠商之一,每年各類智能設備的出貨量近2億臺。我們充分利用聯想集團的終端直達和跨網集成的優勢,結合自身的連接及服務資源,將Lenovo Connect IoT應用在智能交互設備上。這是我們的天然優勢,也是必然使命!

目前,Lenovo Connect IoT具備從雲管端、軟硬一體到跨域、跨網絡的一站式服務能力,能提供包含eSIM服務、SDD服務、設備管理服務等全套的物聯網行業解決方案,能幫助設備廠商實現產品Always Online,讓企業時刻掌握產品運行數據,實現設備智能連接和遠程管理,降低企業生產、管理、服務成本。其中,我們已將eSIM服務應用在聯想多款筆記本上,比如聯想首款驍龍筆記本Miix 630。此外,我們前瞻性地提出了服務定義流量的理念(SDD)。它打破了傳統的流量按量計費模式,按照用戶需求提供各種流量服務訂製套餐,形成創新性的Lenovo Connect IoT產品。




我們把汽車當作一部“巨型智能終端”,利用軟硬一體化的能力,基於ICBAG智能包構築一個V2X的解決方案。這樣我們就能為全球智能出行服務提供涵蓋通信服務、智能車聯終端和平臺服務、車聯大數據、L4自動駕駛、全球服務及場景化方案等的一站式解決方案,讓出行工具都實現Always Online,助力營造更加安全、高效的出行環境。我們還通過大數據分析,為車主提供更多增值服務。另外,我們打造了集成V2X功能的智能車聯終端T-Box,能夠幫助客戶監管車輛使用情況。同時助力出行生態企業實現商業變現。

我們可以覆蓋到從單車、汽車、高鐵、飛機甚至船、停車場,所有的交通場景。在這些場景裡,我們都可以提供物聯網服務,Lenovo Connect Inside。簡單來說,造智能網聯汽車少不了懂的通信!搞共享單車、共享汽車、網約車少不了懂的通信!做自動駕駛少不了懂的通信!做交通規劃少不了懂的通信!懂的通信就是智能出行服務的好幫手!


這些是我們Lenovo Connect IoT智能物聯網合作伙伴。我們的Lenovo Connect IoT服務能力是對合作夥伴開放的。所以,我們衷心歡迎更多的合作伙伴加入到聯想智能物聯網生態中,共同推進智能物聯網產業的發展。





















為什麼是“黎明的奔跑”?無論是Lenovo Connect IoT還是整個物聯網產業,我們為之所付出的努力,都是為了迎接更加美好的明天。但是,明天不是白白到來的,不是靠等就能等來的,而是要靠大家一起奮鬥、奔跑和探索得來的。所以通過這首詩,我希望和在座的諸位以及Lenovo Connect IoT,一起攜手奔向智能互聯網的黎明!


Hello everyone! Last year, I brought to you the world's leading eSIM products. Well, this year, I will introduce a new friend to everyone. Welcome smart Elena. In the future, this friend will connect everything possible. Hello, Elena! So, the theme of my speech today is the real scene of the future world which is made possible by Elena. Smartness connects everything in the future. Let all kinds connect freely!

Martin: Hi, Elena! Barcelona is such a romantic city. What do you think will be the most interesting romance, that will happen here in the future?

Elena: I think the most interesting romance is actually happening now, in this meeting room.

Martin: Wow! Where?

Elena: Martin, look, Gerd and Christian are sitting right in front of you. Their chairs are deeply in love! The MWC has been held here for more than a decade. These two chairs just take this precious chance to meet and stay close to each other, just like Odysseus and Penelope. Since there was no connection between them, they could do nothing but wait silently year after year… However, in the future, they will most likely be able to connect and bravely express their affections to each other over the years. Don’t you think that is a very interesting romance?

Martin: Chairs can also fall in love with each other? Sounds unbelievable!

Elena: Everything is possible!Because, we are about to enter an era where everything is within smart connectivity!

Martin: Absolutely! Now please follow me and Elena, through this time tunnel, to explore this brand new era!

Deep Industrialization and Scenarization

On October 29, 1969, two computers at UCLA Labs achieved interoperability, marking the birth of the Internet. On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs released the touch-screen iPhone to the world, bringing in a brand new mobile Internet experience. This marked the birth of a new era of Mobile Internet. On October 26, 2016, at a very special occasion, someone proposed that, “the world will quickly enter the era of Smart Internet, where everything is within Smart Connectivity”. All things include not only devices, but also virtual products and services, as well as feelings and emotions, even the connectivity itself. Today, Lenovo Connect IoT is officially released, indicating a full-blown Smart Internet. So who is this unfamous but clever man? He’s name is Martin Wang. He’s standing right in front of you.

So, what is the Lenovo Connect IoT? Lenovo Connect IoT is the global smart connectivity service from Lenovo Connect. Lenovo Connect IoT brings together global connection and service resources to make IoT deeply industrialized and scenarized, which are the cores of Smart Interconnection.

Up till now we have already made some achievements in this area. For example, in the smart vehicle field, we provide integration service of IoV connection, smart connection management platform, swap station network communication, T-BOX, vehicle operation management platform TSP and IoV big data to more than ten automobile enterprises, such as Nio and XiaoPeng Motors.

In the smart interaction field, we have integrated group’s hardware equipment, mobile communication service and cloud service etc., to make smart connection solutions. We have applied eSim service to many types of Lenovo Computers, such as the first snapdragon computer Miix 630, QHD smart device Cplus and Folio etc. Besides these two fields, we have business in the fields of new retail, smart payment, sharing economy, smart logistics, industrial IoT, agricultural IoT and so on.

Assist Enterprises to operate efficiently

In order to truly achieve Smart Interconnection, first of all we need connectivity. We need a diversified communication network. The fast progress of mobile communication technology has generated the tailwind for mobile Internet. The 5G era is on the way, and its high speed, large capacity and low delay capabilities will provide great support for the development of IoT.

The wind of change has blown in! We have to take this opportunity, and transform rapidly. Different devices, different networks can make different industrial solutions which can be used in different scenarios. Based on Lenovo Connect IoT Service , we can combine device and network freely. So that ultimately we achieve “all kinds connect freely”.

The core of the Lenovo Connect IoT service is our self-developed platform. This platform provides Connectivity Management Service, Device Management Service, Big Data Service, Cloud Service and AI Service, with the advantages in communication integration, lifecycle management, end-to-end service and agile development. Also, with the adoption a comprehensive and powerful pan-connectivity system and optimized integration of blockchain technology and resources, Lenovo Connect IoT is able to deliver one-stop IoT services for our customers. This helps our customers to improve their operating efficiency, reduce costs, avoid risks and further realize the smart iteration.

Today Lenovo Connect IoT has more than 10 million cellular connections in China. This result is only surpassed by the top three state-owned carriers.It is estimated that the number will exceed 100 million in three years’ time. In the future, we will implement the IoT service in more than 80% of countries and regions of the world. Our partners come from new fields such as smart vehicle, new retail, sharing economy. They also come from some traditional fields, where transformation and upgrading is required, such as smart interaction, smart government affairs, finance and so on.

Let Smart Devices Connect Smartly

Lenovo is one of the largest device manufacturers in the world. Its annual smart device shipment is close to 200 million. We actively utilize Lenovo advantages of Terminal Directness and Cross-network Integration, combined with our own strengths of connectivity and service resources, to further apply Lenovo Connect IoT in different Smart Interactive devices. This is our natural advantage, as well as our inevitable mission.

Lenovo Connect IoT can offer abilities from “Cloud-Pipe-End”, “Software Hardware Integration”, to “Cross Industries, Cross Networks, One-Stop Service”. We can provide a full set of IoT solutions, including e-SIM service, SDD (Service Defined Dataplan) service, Device Management service and so on. We will help device manufacturers to realize the “Always Online” product feature. Our enterprise customers will have real-time control of operating data, which further enables devices’ smart connectivity, remote management, and reduce production, management and service costs.

So far, we have already applied eSIM services in multiple Lenovo devices, such as Lenovo’s first Snapdragon notebook Miix 630. In addition, we prospectively proposed the concept of SDD (Service Defined Dataplan). It breaks the traditional, traffic amount-based billing mode. Instead, it provides all kinds of customized bundles with service and data combined. This has become an innovative service product of Lenovo Connect IoT.

In the future, we will be committed to the realization of LTE-5G and global market coverage for all Lenovo product lines. At the same time, we support open capabilities. We also provide customized solutions for other types of screen devices, and help customers transform from traditional device manufacturers to service providers, from focusing on sales volume to focusing on user’s management; therefore promoting the intelligence process of global device manufacturers.

Lenovo Connect is Your Fantastic helper in Smart Travel Service

There is a saying in our industry that Lenovo is known as the "Travel Empire". Why is that? Because Lenovo has invested in 49 companies in travelling related fields, including NIO, Mobike, Shenzhen Traffic Design Institute and so on, involving 14 sub-fields, such as newly manufactured cars, shared bicycles, and transportation big data, etc.

Lenovo Connect is a key part in the layout of Lenovo’s Smart Internet area. Smart Travel is also the forefront area of Smart Internet applications, especially new-make cars. We take the car as a "giant smart terminal", using our integration of hardware + software and the ICBAG (Smart Bundle) enabling system to build a V2X solution. So we can provide one-stop global smart travel solutions including communication service, smart IoV terminal and platform service, IoV big data, L4 autopilot, global service, as well as scenarized solution. We make your transportation tools Always Online and help to create a safer and more efficient travel environment.

Through big data analysis, we can provide more value-added services to vehicle owners. Also, we have built up a Smart Vehicle Terminal T-Box with V2X function integrated. It will help vehicle enterprises monitor usage status. At the same time, we assist enterprises with travelling ecosystems for monetization.

We can cover all different traffic scenes, from a bicycle, a car to high-speed rail, a plane or even a ship, or a parking lot. In these scenarios, we can provide our IoT services, Lenovo Connect Inside.

In simple terms, interested in Smart Vehicle Production? Lenovo Connect will be there for you! Looking into shared bicycles, shared cars, and car-hailing service? Lenovo Connect will be there for you! Thinking of automatic driving business? Lenovo Connect will be there for you! Intending for traffic planning? Lenovo Connect will be there for you! Lenovo Connect is your fantastic helper in Smart Travel service!

Run Towards the Dawn of Smart Internet Together

These are our partners of Lenovo Connect IoT Service. We open Lenovo Connect IoT service capacities to all the partners. Therefore, we sincerely welcome new providers to join our ecosystems. Let us together push forward the development of Smart IoT industry.

Finally, I would like to share a poem with you, Running in the Dawn, which I wrote in San Francisco after attending CES this year.

A ringing tram passing by

Seagulls undulating over the sea

What I can hear

is the melodious music faraway

And my own breath

I do not know

Between the faint skyline

And the gloomy sea line

Which is farther

The tide is falling

Or rising?

You step alone

Or in crowds?

Do they matter?

When you run to the top of the mountain

Snowflakes whirling around

It is dawn

You look away at the distance

The city is still bustling

At the foot of the mountain

Why Running in the Dawn? Our efforts for Lenovo Connect IoT and the entire IoT industry can make a better tomorrow. However, we cannot just wait for tomorrow to come. Its arrival relies on everybody’s hard work. I hope to work with every one of you and Lenovo Connect IoT to run towards the dawn of Smart Internet!