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Thumbs down: Facebook

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Thumbs down: Facebook

He was once touted as a future American president. Now Mark Zuckerberg must prove he is capable of leading a scandal-plagued firm, after data from 50m users ended up, in dubious ways, in the hands of Cambridge Analytica, a research outfit.

Consumers are waking up to the dangers of handing over data to behemoths that are run like black boxes. The latest episode fits an established pattern of sloppiness towards privacy and reluctance to admit mistakes.

The chances of a regulatory backlash are growing. Mr Zuckerberg has promised to audit some apps and restrict developers’ access to data. But he needs to rebuild trust by committing to an independent review of Facebook’s conduct and approach to data.

The firm needs to prepare for a future in which consumers own, control and are compensated for their data. That might be the only way to stop Facebook ending up as a heavily regulated utility with its returns on capital capped.
