

摩根大通集團( JPMorgan Chase & Co,NYSE:JPM;),業界稱西摩或小摩,總部在美國紐約,總資產2.5萬億美元,總存款高達1.5萬億美元,佔美國存款總額的25%,分行6000多家,是美國最大金融服務機構之一。

摩根大通於2000年由大通曼哈頓銀行及J.P.摩根公司合併而成,並分別收購芝加哥第一銀行和貝爾斯登銀行和華盛頓互惠銀行。摩根大通是一家跨國金融服務機構及美國最大的銀行之一,業務遍及60多個國家,包括投資銀行、金融交易處理、投資管理、商業金融服務、個人銀行業務等。 摩根大通的總部設於曼哈頓區的第一大通曼哈頓廣場(One Chase Manhattan Plaza),部分銀行業務則轉移到德克薩斯州休斯頓的摩根大通大廈(JPMorgan Chase Tower)。2017年6月7日,2017年《財富》美國500強排行榜發佈,摩根大通集團排名第21位。 2018年4月22日,2017年全球最賺錢企業排行榜發佈,摩根大通排名第12。


實習崗位:2019 Global Finance & Business Management Analyst Program - Summer Internship地點:芝加哥/哥倫布/紐瓦克/威明頓/新加坡/香港入職時間:2019年暑假 崗位要求:

What to expect

This 10-week program delivers in-depth industry training, one-on-one mentorship and hands-on experience. You will be placed as a member in one of the finance teams where you'll work in one of the following functional groups: Business Management, Controller, Financial Analysis, and Project Management. You will work on critical initiatives for senior managers, supporting public filings and learning what it takes to close the books for the month or quarter. Top performers may receive a full-time opportunity at the end of the summer program.

As an important member of the finance team, you will work in one of the following roles in our Corporate or Line of Business groups:

Business Management - Act as a trusted advisor to business and group heads by identifying, escalating and mitigating business risks and optimizing business performance by driving key initiatives.

Controller – Responsible for ensuring the overall integrity and validity of the financial statements and controls over the transaction cycle; performing critical reporting and controls functions for the organization, including legal entity, financial and regulatory and product valuation.

Financial Analysis - Create meaningful analysis and reporting in support of our businesses. Coordinate with partners across the firm to provide financial and strategic analysis, creation, oversight and coordination of budgeting and forecasting.

Project Management - Contribute to programs that are large scale and comprised of multiple projects and workstreams. Initiatives drive cross line of business or firm-wide agendas for implementation of new regulations, standards or policies.

You will make an impact through:

Partnering with managers and colleagues to develop and deliver solutions to internal stakeholders and business groupsDeveloping analytical and leadership skills through hands-onexperienceContributing to large-scale programsand initiatives in one of the core disciplinesParticipating in ongoing training and development opportunitiesExpanding your professional network within the program, across your location and your team

About you

We are looking for highly motivated individuals who have the passion for analyses that will help drive strategic business decisions. All majors are welcome to apply.

Key skills and qualities include:

• Ability to thrive in a dynamic and collaborative work environment

• Excellent leadership, interpersonal and communicative skills

• Basic understanding of or interest in financial statements, accounting procedures, internal and external reporting, and variance analysis

• Excel, PowerPoint and Word proficiency

• Enthusiasm for financial services or financial industry

• All majors considered with a preference for finance and accounting majors

• Relevant internship experience and demonstrated leadership in a school or community organization

• Available for full-time internship from May – July 2019

• Pursuing a degree qualification with an expected graduation date between December 2018 and June 2019

• A well-rounded academicbackground with an interest in financial management – minimum required cumulative GPA of 3.2 out of 4.0, a Second Class Upper Honors or equivalent in your undergraduate degree

• Work visa will not be sponsored for the Finance & Business Management Summer Analyst Program. Applicants are expected to hold necessary work authorization for the location applications were made for

• Relocation assistance will not be provided for the Finance & Business Management Summer Analyst Program




麥肯錫上海辦公室疑似垮臺?行業No.1陷輿論風波中國量化金融行業全解:金融工程/計算機/統計學金融領域就業指南比投行多金,比行研低調:我們不得不關注的券商資管部券商直投部:和投行兄弟“狼狽為奸,拼命撈金”的那些年銀行全解 | 內外資銀行及其就業優劣勢超詳細對比私募股權基金(PE)行業全景概覽及職業規劃我身邊那幾個年薪百萬的90後:世界上所有的牛逼,聞起來都是苦逼的味道你在陸家嘴做金融民工,隔壁拉皮條的已經實現財富自由中國財經類大學內部鄙視鏈(文末附18年CPA全套備考資料)一進門,高盛面試官就叫我把椅子從21樓扔下去……WTF??當我們蜂擁向券商的時候,券商的壽命還有多久?最遠的距離:你夢寐以求的四大,只不過是他們的保底offer