

I'm home! / I'm back! 我回來了。

Welcome home! / Welcome back!


Did you have a good time?


How did it go today?今天怎麼樣?

How was your day?

Can I go out to play?


After you finish your homework. 寫完作業再去吧。

I'm hungry. 我餓了。

We have some snacks. 吃點點心吧。

Where are the snacks?點心在哪?

They're in the cupboard. 在碗櫥裡。

I'm going to cram school now. 我去補習學校了啊*cram意為;填鴨式補習”

Call when you finish. 下課後來個電話

May I have my allowance? 零花錢


What do you want to buy?

I'm tired.真累呀!

I'm exhausted. 我精疲力盡了

What would you like for dinner?


What do you want for dinner?

What do you want to eat for dinner?

How about steak? 吃牛排怎麼樣?

Would you help me set the table?準備餐具(你能幫我準備餐具嗎?)

I'd be happy to. 樂意之至。

Help me set up the table, will you?

What should I make for dinner?


What should I whip up for dinner?

What should I cook for dinner?

What should I fix for dinner?

It's good to be home. 還是家好哇

There's no place like home.

It feels so good to be home.

Would you run to the store? 快點兒去


In just a minute. 稍等一下。

It's been a long day. 今天真累呀!

The bath is ready. 洗澡水燒好了。

I'm taking a shower.現在進行時表將要、想要


I'm going to take a shower.

Is dinner ready? 晚飯好了嗎?--Not yet.

Is it time for dinner yet?該吃晚飯了吧?

Have you made dinner?晚飯做好了嗎?

Mom, what's for dinner tonight?


Mom, what did you make for dinner?

Mom, what did you fix for dinner?

What's for dinner? 晚飯吃什麼?

Salisbury steak. 吃漢堡肉餅。

Great! 太棒了。

Today, we're having curry.


We're having curry today.

How soon can you get it ready?


In about five more minutes.再有5分鐘吧

When will it be ready?

How soon will it be done?

Let's eat. 我吃了啊

Shall we begin? 可以吃了嗎?

Please go ahead. 請先吃吧

Please help yourself. 請便

This knife cuts well, doesn't it?


It sure does. 真挺好使的

The water is boiling! 水開啦!

Come and get it! 開飯啦

It's time for dinner! 該吃晚飯啦!

Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner is ready!

It's time to eat. 該吃飯啦!

Finally. 終於吃上飯嘍!

I'm coming. 這就來啦

I'll be right there. 我馬上就去。

I'm on my way.

Did you wash your hands well?


Don't spill it! 別弄灑了(spill-_p發b音)

Don't tip it over. 傾斜、倒出、打翻

Eat all of your vegetables.把碗裡的菜吃光

Finish your vegetables.

Finish up your vegetables.

Finish up your plate. 把碗裡的飯吃光

I'm trying to. 這不吃著呢嘛。

I don't like asparagus. 不喜歡吃蘆筍

Don't be picky. 不許挑食。

It was very delicious. Thank you.


It was a wonderful dinner.

Would you clear the table?


Would you put the dishes away?

Do the dishes! 把盤子洗了!--I will.

It's not my turn. 今天不該我洗。

Wash the dishes!

I'll dry the dishes. 我擦盤子

What are you doing? --I'm watching TV.

Are there any good programs on TV?


No, not today.

Nomo is on TV.野茂上電視了。

What's on Channel 8? 八頻道演什麼?

Would you change the channel?


Would you switch the channel?

Would you change the station?

I want to watch more TV. 我還想看電視

You've watched enough for tonight.

Let's spread out the futon.鋪床吧 *鋪開

Let's get the futon out. 把被子拿出來吧

I'm sleepy. 我困了。

Why don't you take a nap?你幹嘛不睡午覺

I'm drowsy. *drowsy困得睜不開眼。

Did you do your homework?
