

1. As Fresh as a Daisy

2. The Primrose Path

3. Full of the joys of the Spring

4. Coming up Roses

5. In the Flower of sb's Youth





櫻花 Cherry Blossoms





From the end of March, cherry trees begin to blossom and their florescence usually lasts for two weeks(they fall to the ground and disappear in only a couple of weeks ,even sooner if the frequent rains wash them off the trees). With a little breeze, the cherry blossoms fall on the ground and create an amazing“cherry blossom rain”, which offers a romantic background for your photos. It’s a good choice to gather under flowering trees to enjoy picnics and barbeques, or just watch blossoms quietly falling in the wind.

in a typical cherry blossom festival (ohanami), families and friends gather under flowering trees to enjoy picnics, barbeques and tea ceremonies. sometimes the festival continues late into the night, with decorative electric lanterns hung in the trees for evening enjoyment. ohanami at night is called yozakura.

Where to go: Shanghai’s Gucun Park the cherry blossom festival ,Wuhan University,Japen.Except for traditional flower appreciation, a series of activities are held, such as a photography competition, blind dates, and culture exhibitions. With almost 4,000 cherry trees of 28 different varieties, visitors can bathe in a sea of millions of white and pink blossoms.

When to go: The Mid March to the late April.

水仙花 Daffodils

水仙花 Daffodils





The british love daffodils. the joy that these bulbs bring them is demonstrated in the poem i wandered lonely as a cloud by british poet william wordsworth (1770-1850). as the poet wanders aimlessly, he stumbles across a “host of golden daffodils”. the sight of these flowers “fluttering and dancing in the breeze” has brought pleasure to the poet’s fellow countrymen and -women for centuries.

Every year in march, thousands of people across the country flock to daffodil festivals to admire the flower. the biggest daffodil festival in britain is held in the village of thriplow in south cambridgeshire, where the sweeping rows of daffodils paint the entire area a lush yellow.

Where to go: for those who missed this year’s thriplow daffodil festival, which ran from march 15 to 17, the cotswolds in south central england are still awash with cheerful yellow.

When to go: the first two weeks of april.

鬱金香 Tulips




One of the best-known flower-place connections has to be the netherlands and tulips. tulips were first introduced from asia in the 17th century, but over the centuries the dutch have made the flower their own.

The country’s keukenhof gardens is the largest tulip site in the world, with more than 4 million tulips in 100 varieties covering an area of 32 hectares, according to cnn.

The garden opens to visitors between march and may when the flowers reach perfection. on the “walk of fame” you can see tulips named after famous people, both non-fictional and fictional, such as mozart, ronaldo and even the lion king.

油菜花 Cole Flowers






If you are bored of white, pink and purple flowers everywhere in spring, the yellow cole flowers will refresh your eyes. Bright cole flowers in a field are like carpets covering the ground.

Due to different temperatures across the country, there are blooming cole flowers waiting for you to admire them from February to August.

Where to go: The cole flowers in Hanzhong, Shaanxi province, have been blossoming since late February and the magnificent sight will last for two months. A culture tourism festival has begun this year, inviting visitors to appreciate the “most beautiful sea of cole flowers”. Remember to climb to the top of Hanshan Mountain in Nanzheng county to take the best pictures.

When to go: March 22 to April.

好了,有關春日花卉鑑賞“路線圖”先介紹到這裡,除此之外,在春日之花還有桃花(Peach blossom )杏花(Apricot blossoms)、藍鍾花(Bluebell)、雪花蓮(Snowdrop)、丁香花(Lilac)等等。同學們,你們還了解哪些春日花卉的英語呢?可以在下方留言,告訴小編哦!


As Fresh as a Daisy (像小雛菊一樣新鮮) 榮光換髮、精神飽滿

The Primrose Path (報春花之路)追求享樂和安逸的生活

Full of the joys of the Spring 充滿喜悅

Coming up Roses 一切進展順利

In the Flower of sb's Youth 風華正茂之時
