


[00:15.82]n. [C] 臉 v. 面向,面對


[00:22.93]n. 事實,現實

[00:26.84]But in fact, around 70 million sharks are caught

[00:30.34]and traded in this industry every year.


[00:38.26]n. [C]工廠

[00:39.94]Today there are already robots working in factories.


[00:48.02]v. 失敗,不及格;使失望,


[00:56.36]adj. 公平的,adv. 公平地,n. 集市;


[01:04.85]vi. 落下,下降;跌倒;

[01:10.30]Alice followed it and fell down a hole in the ground.


[01:19.06]n. 家庭;家族


[01:23.96]adj. 有名的,著名的

[01:27.86]Of all the mountains,

[01:30.52]Qomolangma rises the highest and is the most famous.


[01:38.29]n. [C]迷,狂熱愛好者;風扇


[01:45.68]adj. 極好的


[01:49.73]adj. 遠的 adv. 遠地

[01:53.51]And of course, it's not too far from China!


[02:01.45]n. [C]農場


[02:05.19]n. [C]農夫,農場主


[02:10.75]adj. 快的,迅速的 adv. 快地,


[02:17.75]adj. 肥胖的,肥的


[02:23.43]n. 父親,爸爸


[02:28.86]adj. 喜愛的 n. [C]特別喜愛的人(或事物)


[02:39.06]n. 害怕,恐懼,v. 害怕;


[02:46.70]n. 二月


[02:50.06]vt. 餵養,飼養 n. 飼料,

[02:55.61]I wash, feed and play with them every day.

[03:00.10]They're very special to me.


[03:05.64]v. 感覺,覺得;摸,

[03:10.81]Well, I often feel a bit sad at first

[03:13.89]when I leave my mum and dad for a few days,

[03:19.02]and I'm quite shy when I'm with strangers.


[03:25.99]n. [C]感情;感覺


[03:31.58]n. 腳;英尺


[03:36.86]n. 節日;喜慶日

[03:39.94]I wonder if it's similar to the Water Festival

[03:43.83]of the Dai People in Yunnan Province.


[03:50.52]n. 發燒,發熱

[03:54.15]—Should I take my temperature?

[03:56.66]—No, it doesn't sound like you have a fever.


[04:03.21]adj. 少數的,不多的 pron. 不多


[04:11.13]n. [C]田,地;牧場;

[04:16.74]They had a small house, close to fields and hills.


[04:24.83]num. 十五


[04:28.70]num. 第五


[04:32.18]num. 五十


[04:35.52]v.打仗;打架,n. [C] 打鬥;

[04:41.77]That there's some good in this world,

[04:43.36]and it's worth fighting for.


[04:49.34]v. 裝滿,填滿


[04:54.93]n. 影片,電影;v. 拍攝

[05:00.91]People have also made films based on Batman and Spiderman.


[05:09.91]adv. 最後;終於;決定性地




[05:23.52]adj. 晴朗的;美好的;很好的


[05:32.02]n. [C]手指


[05:35.50]v. 結束,做完


[05:40.23]n. 火;爐火;火災


[05:48.34]num. 第一 adj. 第一;adv. 第一;

[05:55.15]I first lived in the northern part of town with my parents.


[06:02.58]n. [C]魚; [U]魚肉

[06:06.56]Nemo is a cute orange-and-white fish

[06:10.09]and Shrek is an ugly green man.


[06:17.43]n. [C]漁民;垂釣者


[06:22.46]adj. 健康的;適合的 v. 適合;


[06:30.70]num. 五


[06:33.89]vt. 修理;安裝;確定,


[06:41.13]n. [C]旗


[06:44.34]n. [C]地面,地板;層


[06:51.46]n. [C] 花

[06:53.39]In the West,

[06:55.90]people often take flowers when they visit someone.


[07:02.74]v.飛,飛行;n. [C]蒼蠅


[07:10.10]v. 跟隨,在…後發生

[07:14.72]But I'm not happy because I'm always worried

[07:18.48]about being followed by others.


[07:25.31]n. 食物,食品


[07:31.15]n. [C]足,腳;英尺


[07:38.41]n. [C]足球


[07:41.74]prep. 為了…;向,往;

[07:47.48]It has been the home of kings

[07:49.95]and queens for a long time.

[07:53.43]I'm preparing some notes for a report called

[07:57.50]“Our growing population”.


[08:04.73]vt. 強迫,迫使

[08:08.19]It also shows that humans can sometimes

[08:10.98]be stronger than the forces of nature.


[08:19.23]adj. 外國的

[08:20.60]When you go to a foreign country,

[08:22.99]it is always best to check what people usually do,

[08:27.70]so you do not make mistakes.


[08:33.69]n. 森林


[08:36.81]v. 忘記,忘掉

[08:40.13]He never forgets the things he needs to do.


[08:48.33]n. [C]叉;餐叉


[08:53.37]n. [C]表格 vt. 構成;組成


[09:01.56]num. 四十


[09:04.94]num. 四


[09:08.27]num. 十四


[09:11.76]num. 第四


[09:15.22]n. 法國


[09:18.30]adj. 空閒的;自由的;免費的

[09:25.51]I spend some of my free time playing volleyball

[09:28.46]for my school team.


[09:34.04]adj. 法國的;法語的; n. [U]法語

[09:40.02]She always talks to me in French to help me practice.


[09:48.37]adj. 新鮮的


[09:52.15]n. 星期五


[09:56.20]n. [C]冰箱


[09:59.79]n. [C]朋友


[10:03.28]adj. 友好的




[10:11.78]prep. 從…起,始於;從…開始;

[10:19.48]Amy recently won a prize from the Help Save Our Planet Society.

[10:26.39]I like to learn about the world from books.


[10:35.13]adj. 前面的,前部的 n. 前面,

[10:41.27]At the end of the day,

[10:43.51]we watched the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle.


[10:51.72]n. 水果;果實


[10:56.72]adj. 滿的,充滿的;完全的;

[11:02.56]Another thing is it's impolite to say you're full.


[11:11.64]n. [U]娛樂,玩笑;樂趣


[11:19.30]adj. 滑稽的,好笑的


[11:25.29]n. 將來,未來

[11:29.46]Anne wrote down her thoughts, her feelings,

[11:32.38]her hopes and her dreams for the future.
