2018天津國際少兒文化藝術節 境外團隊介紹之非洲篇

境外團體 十六

科特迪瓦Immaculate少兒藝術團Cote d'lvoire Immaculate children’s Art Troupe

The Troupe of IMMACULATE children consists of thirty talented children of 6 to 18 years old. They offer shows based on the richness of African tradition, and share different types of music and dance. Share and smile, dream and the blossoming of children are our passion.


境外團體 十七

坦桑尼亞Fountain Gate藝術團 Tanzania Fountain Gate Art Troupe

Tanzania students have been part of the Tianjin Festival since 2009, and since then they have participated in 2012, 2015 and now the 2018. After the participation in the festival, our children get life-time memory of the new methodologies they learn, the new understanding of the people of China and other nationalities. Tanzania Children have benefited a lot from the interaction, the sharing of ideas, educational experiences and the fun through stage performances, music, dance and art which they carry home to share in their respective schools.

坦桑尼亞Fountain Gate藝術團自2009年以來一直在天津參加國際少兒藝術節,在2009、2012和2015年的藝術節上給全球小朋友留下了深刻印象。參與藝術節後,孩子們通過交流和表演,不僅學習到了知識,還與全球各地的小朋友締結了深厚的友誼。孩子們把在藝術節上的表演與收穫,帶回坦桑尼亞,分享給當地的小朋友們。