2018天津國際少兒文化藝術節 境外團隊介紹之亞洲篇

境外團隊 一

烏茲別克斯坦Tomosha兒童舞蹈團 Uzbekistan Tomasha Children's Dance Troupe

Uzbekistan Tomasha Children's Dance Troupe is a positive and optimistic art group. The children of "Tomosha" are so different but they all have A desire for success. One thing is certain: they are the single Union that has the ability to create, to love, and surprise.


境外團隊 二

斯里蘭卡Ranranga舞蹈團 Sri Lanka Ranranga Dance Academy

Sri Lanka's Ranranga Dance Academy is an outstanding team. They have the most talented and skilled first-level actors. He was invited to participate in many national competitions and won many awards. The dance troupe is very popular in the area and there are many cultural organizations competing to invite them to perform. The dance company shares a common belief in working hard for traditional folk dance. The dances they perform all have their own characteristics, combining songs and dances. They will give us a wonderful performance.


境外團隊 三

中國臺灣大中國樂團 China Taipei DaZhong Chinese Orchestra

Chinese Taipei DaZhong Chinese Orchestra has established 16 youth Chinese orchestra, by the head and the HongPeiZhen and chief commanding her lead, liao yuan will be held in taichung on July 15, zhongshan hall, romantic classic implement annual concert.This concert is different from the previous combination instrument to interpret classical repertoire, and performed in the form of a contest, a free and romantic.


境外團隊 四

中國澳門少兒藝術團 China Macao Children Arts Troupe

China Macau Children Arts Troupe is the largest outstanding children arts troupe in Macau. Dance, music and painting are the three major training programs provided. Through the exceptional performance achieved in numerous past national and international dance, music and painting competitions, Macau Children Arts Troupe has been honoured with the title of ‘Advanced Dance Collective’ and ‘House of Little Lotus’. Furthermore, as the representative of Macau in international competitions and exchange programmes, Macau Children Arts Troupe has also been shaped as the little promotional angels of Macau.

中國澳門少兒藝術團是澳門最大的兒童藝術劇團。舞蹈、音樂和繪畫是它面向大眾提供的三大培訓項目。中國澳門少兒藝術團在許多國家和國際的舞蹈、音樂、繪畫比賽中取得了大獎。該團被授予“先進舞蹈團體”的稱號。此外,它也是澳門在國際比賽和交流項目中重要的代表之一, 中國澳門少兒藝術團的孩子們也被塑造成了宣傳澳門的小天使。

境外團隊 五

中國香港樂作枋管弦樂團 China Hongkong Yuezuofang Orchestra

China Hongkong LeYue Fang in 2014 registered as a non-profit organization, aiming at providing a ensemble training, planning and performance and use music as a bridge and wide is the heart. Over the past few years, LeYue Fang hosted more than 10 formal concert, and repeatedly involved in charity and community performance, more with the Austrian national music and the performing arts university summer music camp, members of the castle learning and performance in Vienna in Austria, inspired.Now, le fang children young orchestra, chamber orchestra rehearsals, permanent members study famous music together, enhance the level of performance and share the joy of ensemble, the pursuit of the beauty of art on the stage.


境外團隊 六

印度尼西亞SMP少兒舞蹈團Indonesia SMP Children’s Dance Troupe

SMP INDONESIA is platform of Indonesia Youth on performing the folklore of Indonesia. The group had been performing to most of the continents representing Indonesian culture internationally. The folk dance adopted from various tribes and culture of Indonesia. For this edition 2018 the group bringing dancing from the northern most province of Indonesia. Aceh. The dance is rapid, full of singing, clap, drums and finger tipping representing the happiness and joy of live in the tribes.


境外團隊 七

韓國少兒藝術團The Korean Academy Children’s Choir

The Korean Academy Children’s Choir was established by EungOon Choo in 1971, comprising about 50 members from 9 to 18 years old. They have been performing in many countries all over the world. On July 2006 ,the Korean Academy Children’s Choir was awarded gold medal at the 4th World Choir Games. 22 members are participating in 2018Tianjin International Children’s Culture & Art Festival at this time.Let's look forward to their wonderful performance together


境外團隊 八

蒙古兒童宮藝術團Mongolia Ayalguu Art Troupe

Mongolia Ayalguu Art Troupe is established in 1980 in ulaanbaatar. Since its founding has been to many countries to participate in related activities and children's culture or art.Include: Russia, France, Turkey, Italy, Japan, South Korea, India and Taiwan, etc.This is our group for the fifth time to participate in tianjin international children's art festival in 2018.


境外團隊 九

蒙古Temujin藝術中心Mongolia Temujin Art Center

Our “Temujin” theatre teams up with Bayankhongor Department of tourism and sport and the musical department of Mongolian university of culture and art. Our goals are to make the “ЧУЛУУН ЦАРГИЛ-STONE MELODY” “Name card” of Bayankhongor province. Our ensemble consists of 10 musicians. The director is Ms.Ganchimeg and the leader is Mr. Tumensaikhan. From 2013 to 2018 we had been in 4 countries with concerts: Japan, Kirgistan, Russia and Inner Mongilia. We had been in Inner Mongolia for 4 times: Bugat, Huh hot and Alshaa province.

蒙古Temujin藝術中心成立於2014年。Temujin藝術中心的目標是讓蒙古的獨特旋律成為Bayankhongor省的名片。該團的代表作包括貝多芬的“月光奏鳴曲”、勃拉姆斯的“匈牙利舞蹈”、雅蘭的“G大調”、Zandan Birvaa的“噓樂章”等曲目, Temujin藝術中心的表演感染著在場的很多位觀眾。蒙古Temujin藝術中心創建之初是由10個音樂家組成,包括導演Ms.Ganchimeg先生,院長Tumensaikhan先生。從2013年到2018年間,已經在日本、吉爾吉斯斯坦、俄羅斯和蒙古4個國家舉辦過音樂會。

境外團隊 十

印度Lsaya Vardhana少兒藝術團 India Lsaya Vardhana Children’s Art Group

India Lsaya Vardhana Children’s Art Group is atradition art group in India which it has already set up many years. This group takes happiness, energetic and upward. It concentrates on helping young peoples to learn all kinds of dance show. They had already got many good prizes in India or abroad and made good friendship between different countries.

印度Lsaya Vardhana少兒藝術團是印度的傳統藝術團體,該團建立多年,一直以來都秉承著樂觀、積極、向上的相關宗旨。該團一方面著力於創新以達到與時代接軌的目標,另一方面時刻不忘印度傳統文化保持初心,培養青少年們學習各種印度民族舞的表演,在國內外的各項比賽中均取得了優異的成績,並與各國友人結下了深厚的友誼。

境外團隊 十一

以色列Carmel-Lod City少兒舞蹈團 Isreal Carmel-Lod City Dance Group

Isreal Carmel-Lod City Dance Group is a veteran team with a lot of international experience and impression . The group has 27 members, and they all love the Chinese culture and the Chinese people. This is the 3rd time they join in the festival. They want to make a great progress in the festival.

以色列Carmel-Lod City少兒舞蹈團,是一個富有國際經驗和影響的團隊。以色列(State of Israel),是一個位於西亞黎凡特地區的國家,地處地中海的東南方向,北靠黎巴嫩、東鄰敘利亞和約旦、西南邊則是埃及。1948年宣佈獨立,2014年1月人口已超過813萬,其中猶太人611萬,是世界上唯一以猶太人為主體民族的國家。該團主要人員共有27人,他們熱愛中國文化和中國人民,這是他們第三次來中國參加天津國際少年兒童文化藝術節,希望在本次藝術節上取得更大的進步。

境外團隊 十二

斯里蘭卡ASLCSS少兒藝術團 Sri Lanka's ASLCSS children's art group

Sri Lanka's ASLCSS children's art group consists of two teachers and 20 dancers.The team is from kandy, the central province of Sri Lanka.Their students are very famous local dancers.All the students have participated in provincial and national art competitions and won many awards.Some of the players also won the national school of the year award for traditional dance.They have very good dancing skills and colorful costumes. Led by a team of quality teachers, their performance will shine brilliantly.


境外團隊 十三

新加坡青少年表演藝術團 Singapore Young People’s Performing Arts Ensemble

Singapore Young People’s Performing Arts Ensemble dedicated to research, develop and practise Mandarin theatre performing arts and arts education alongside with the young. We believe that theatre performing arts is a holistic platform for the young to stimulate creativity, critical and independent thinking.Led by our board of directors and artistic director - Ms. Ma Gyap Sen, YPPAE produces “box office hits” Mandarin children theatre productions – ranging from plays and cross-talk shows to choral concerts and musicals – every year.

新加坡青少年表演藝術團是一個為青少年兒童而設的新加坡華語表演藝術團體。該團致力於研究、開發並培訓華語兒童舞臺表演藝術和兒童藝術教育。他們相信通過舞臺表演藝術能夠激發孩子們的創意精神及獨立思考能力。在董事會和藝術總監的領導下, 少兒組每年製作二至三場深具教育和社會意義的華語舞臺表演,其中包括:音樂劇、話劇、相聲、故事劇場等 ,均獲得不少佳評。