
Beth Behrs of 2 Broke Girls is officially a married woman.


The 32-year-old actress tied the knot with her fellow TV star Michael Gladis a stone's throw from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, she shared on her Instagram page Monday.


Decked out in a white Monique Lhuillier bridal gown with a high thigh-slit, Beth and her new husband strolled across a picturesque field hand in hand.

只見貝絲身著Monique Lhuillier的高叉白色婚紗,和丈夫在風景如畫的田野中手牽手漫步。

This would mean that the breathtaking snow-capped peaks visible in the background of the wedding photos are in fact the Teton Mountains.


The 1963 song Jackson, once memorably sung as a duet by Johnny Cash and June Carter, was apparently performed live as Beth and Michael headed back down the aisle once the actual ceremony concluded.

還記得由Johnny Cash 和 June Carter在1963年演唱的《Jackson》這首歌生動演繹了貝絲和邁克爾兩人在婚禮結束時沿著過道往回走的情景。

In one of her Instagram captions, Beth plugged the team who had helped put together her nuptials, including wedding planner Angel Swanson.

在她發佈的一條ins上,貝絲曬出了為她籌備婚禮的整個團隊,還包括婚禮的策劃人Angel Swanson。

Beth and Michael - whom Mad Men fans will recognize as Paul Kinsey - had their wedding photographed by French shutterbug Sylvie Gil, who posted a bit of her work to Instagram.

馬克爾就是飾演《廣告狂人》中的Paul Kinsey而被粉絲熟知,他們兩人婚禮的攝影師是法國的攝影愛好者Sylvie Gil,她還把作品放上了Ins.

Michael arrived at his wedding in a sky blue Brooks Brothers suit perfectly suited to the summer, popping on a black tie and white dress shirt.

馬克爾婚禮當天穿了一件很夏天的天藍色Brooks Brothers套裝,穿著白色襯衫,配了一條黑色領帶。

The couple have been engaged for slightly over two years, and had been together for a further six years before he popped the question.


Bethsaid: 'He proposed on our friends Christina Hendricks and Geoffrey Arend's rooftop at sunset with a private jazz band playing my favorite Miles Davis /John Coltrane song overlooking Manhattan!'

貝絲說:“日落時分,他在我們好友Christina Hendricks and Geoffrey Arend家的屋頂上面請了私人爵士樂隊演奏我最喜歡Miles Davis /John Coltrane的歌曲《overlooking Manhattan》!向我求婚。”

Christina happens to have been Michael's co-star on Mad Men, and Geoffrey has been married to her for nine years.



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