播客China: on Germany and trade


本欄目由中美聚焦網推出,由原央視國際頻道(CCTV9)新聞節目主播、中美聚焦特約主編James Chau英文播報,梳理一週中美熱點事件,點評紛繁複雜的中美關係。作為英語學習材料,中美聚焦英文播客將在每週推送,供大家英語學習、交流。

China: on Germany and trade, Iran's nuclear program, and a breakthrough for AIDS Jul 11 , 2018


This episode looks at some of the defining stories of the past seven days. leading-off, China's Premier Li Keqiang meets German Chancellor Angela Merkel, presenting a united front for globalisation. But how far are their respective trade disputes with the U.S. pushing them closer together? Also, China and European powers meet in Vienna to resuscitate the Iran nuclear deal, after President Trump pulled out of the agreement in May. And scientists at the University of Hong Kong make a breakthrough in the fight against AIDS, just ahead of the largest gathering of HIV activists in Amsterdam.
