vivo X21 UD屏下光學指紋傳感器-Synaptics

Synaptics’ Under-Display Fingerprint Scanner Inside the VIVO X21 UD Smartphone






vivo X21 UD智能手機

vivo是首家在顯示屏下集成指紋傳感器的智能手機廠商。據麥姆斯諮詢介紹,vivo X21 UD指紋傳感器隱於全面屏下,不挖槽不開孔,成就一體化外觀。這項科技開啟了智能手機“真·全面屏”時代。vivo X21 UD屏下指紋傳感器採用了兩家方案:Synaptics和匯頂科技(Goodix)。本報告主要介紹Synaptics屏下光學指紋傳感器,並將其與匯頂科技方案進行對比分析。




這款Synaptics指紋傳感器基於光學識別原理,尺寸為6.46 mm x 9.09 mm,採用不鏽鋼支架和兩層柔性印刷電路,可以集成於顯示屏下。其中的圖像傳感器與玻璃基板(集成濾波片)組裝在一起。





• Executive Summary

• Reverse Costing Methodology

Company Profile

• Synaptics

Physical Analysis

• Summary of the Physical Analysis

• VIVO X21 UD Fingerprint Scanner Disassembly

- Fingerprint scanner removal

• Synaptics Package Assembly

- Fingerprint scanner views

- Fingerprint scanner cross-section

- Fingerprint scanner patents

• Sensor Die

- Sensor die view and dimensions

- Sensor delayering and main blocks

- Sensor die process

- Sensor die cross-section

- Sensor die process characteristic

• ASIC Die

- ASIC die view and dimensions

- ASIC delayering and main blocks

- ASIC die process

- ASIC die cross-section

- ASIC die process characteristic

Synaptics vs Goodix Versions of the Fingerprint Sensors

Sensor Manufacturing Process

• Sensor Die Front-End Process and Fabrication Unit

• ASIC Die Front-End Process and Fabrication Unit

• Final Test and Assembly Unit

Cost Analysis

• Summary of the Cost Analysis

• Yields Explanation and Hypotheses

• ASIC Component

- ASIC die front-end cost

- ASIC die probe test, thinning and dicing

- ASIC component cost

• Sensor Module

- Sensor die front-end cost

- Collimator filter front-end cost

- Sensor die probe test, thinning and dicing

- Sensor die wafer cost

- Sensor die cost

- Sensor module cost

• Complete Module Fingerprint

- Assembled components cost

- Summary of the assembly

- Fingerprint component cost

Selling Price

Huawei’s fingerprint sensor vs Vivo’s

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